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deleted · 7 years ago
Lemme hear it
isaboo63 · 7 years ago
This is from the first twilight movie and I thought edward told Bella that he was a killer whale not a killer. I don't know if this helps
deleted · 7 years ago
It amuses me so it works
isaboo63 · 7 years ago
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Once upon a time when I was a small child who got to tag along to the Video Rental Store to pick up a movie to watch with my parents, they decided to also let whichever child had tagged along to pick out a treat, and I saw a gummy snake. Being the foolish child I was, I immediately picked it to the disapproval of my parents. It was a huge gelatinous mistake. Tasted disgusting. Anyways this isn't the funny story, The funny story is, i was relaying the tale about horrible food to my cousin and right as I got to picking out the snake, my sister interrupts my ENTIRE story with "Oh yeah, he got a Gummy snake a long time ago!" to retell it almost word for word as me and my cousin watched on in disbelief. She only stopped recapitulating my story after she had finished, and asked why we were looking at her weird. Long story short, my sister does not have fantastic situational awareness.
deleted · 7 years ago
Bahaha your sister sounds like a real hoot
unicycle · 7 years ago
We used to have a pet goose and he thought he was a "guard goose" and would go with you to answer the door and squawk at deliverymen. Whenever somebody would come in he would waddle all around them to check them out and if he didn't like somebody he would peck at their feet and chase them flapping his wings until one of us called him off. Our landlady didn't allow pets but since geese weren't specifically on the list of prohibited pets she had to let us keep him and eventually she grew to like him because he would chase off the delinquents and whatnot.
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Yeah shes a real hoot. I could sit here for days recounting really obtuse things she's done.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Feeling any better oak? Sorry I didn't get to tell you a story
deleted · 7 years ago
Yeah! I'm feeling 100% today!
I stayed the night at my boyfriends and we watched markiplier and ate ice cream
Thanks for all the stories and concern
It really helped
Sometimes I just get really depressed, but I promise I'm ok =3
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Great! That's awesome, well if you're ever feeling shitty again we're here to help :)
(Love Markiplier)
deleted · 7 years ago
My boyfriend made me promise that if I ever got the opportunity to have sex with mark, he'd breakup with me if I didn't invite him
parisqeen · 7 years ago
HAHA! Your boyfriend sounds awesome and I think that's totally fair, Mark is a beautiful man
deleted · 7 years ago
He's really great XD
Spending the day together and being couch potatoes was the best. Since we live an hour apart I can only stay at his place every 2 weeks, but we work together. I commute everyday and I see him there, but it isn't the same as hanging out after work.
I just hugged him and cried into his shoulder and he just hugged me and didn't ask questions and that's surprisingly what I needed.
Then he broke the ice by talking about who loves Markimoo more XD
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Awww I'm happy you're with someone who makes you feel so great oak xD
I'm sure you love Mark more, he's such a goof. What other you tubers do you like?
deleted · 7 years ago
Theradbrad, therpgminx, the fine bros, seananners, gasdymexican, teamfourstar
parisqeen · 7 years ago
I love Jacksepticeye and then A BUNCH of animators like Gritty Sugar, Cranbresher etc.
deleted · 7 years ago
Sh, I don't really watch animators. Just let's players
parisqeen · 7 years ago
I watch let's players when I want to check out a new game, I am in love with Oxenfree and Resident Evil 7 looks wicked
deleted · 7 years ago