Haven't been on here in a while X'D
by spideypool · 300 comments 7 years ago
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spideypool · 7 years ago
which ones have you watched?
did you watch the office one? or the Mom one?
spideypool · 7 years ago
grandpa hates Christmas?
sam goes to hollywood?
Did you watch the park one? It's my fave
spideypool · 7 years ago
Also fashion is blind is a good one
Elmer hates his job
Hall monitor Helen
spideypool · 7 years ago
X'D hey now if you feel down just watch him
spideypool · 7 years ago
Idk but I love it so much
get a man who can do both
a man who can be this funny and adorable at the same fucking time
spideypool · 7 years ago
Why can't I get a hot male
why can;t I get a non bitchy clingy girl?
Why is like difficult
spideypool · 7 years ago
Thank you
Also why all these youtubers good looking *well the ones I watch*
and when you go outside to find people they all ugly af
spideypool · 7 years ago
can I order from that lab??
spideypool · 7 years ago
I'll sneak in then
spideypool · 7 years ago
I'm poor af xDD
spideypool · 7 years ago
I'mma steal 3 cause I'm a boss
spideypool · 7 years ago
keep them in my house
spideypool · 7 years ago
I won't chain them up I'll put a shock collar on them and wire the house X'DD
spideypool · 7 years ago
Hey I've seen most youtubers do the shock collar challenge
it's effective XDD
spideypool · 7 years ago
listen I watch too many youtube vids
spideypool · 7 years ago
XD oops
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
XD mmmhm
I think I'm about to hit my chat limit :/
spideypool · 7 years ago
oh no
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
So if I mention you on a random post,it's to let you know that I hit the limit xD
spideypool · 7 years ago
Ah Alright X'DD