deleted · 7 years ago
My first gf was the complete oposite of me, we stayed together for almost 10 years
deleted · 7 years ago
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Yep! With a guy who I had similar interests with but his personality was nothing like mine, that lasted 4 years
rosalinas · 7 years ago
My ex and I were pretty opposite tbh and it lasted for more than a year
And yea I do have a type of people who are opposite to me
deleted · 7 years ago
My boyfriend and I are pretty different, but our core interests are the same.
We both like watching movies. My tastes focus on horror and comedies while his are Sci if and fantasy
We like listening to music in the car. I prefer pretty much anything, but he focuses on hard rock and screamo
At least our love in youtubers are the same haha!
silvermyth · 7 years ago
My best friend was the polar opposite of me. We are still friends, but I'm not so sure because we haven't spoken in months (he lives overseas).
unicycle · 7 years ago
My husband and I have pretty much opposite personalities (outgoing vs introvert, motivated vs lazy, organized vs chaos, optimistic vs pessimistic, etc). We've been together about 6 years. I think the key is having shared interests and being able to communicate and negotiate the differences without fighting.
communistcorrector · 7 years ago
My ex and I were similar in some aspects but were extremely different in just about everything else. She broke up with me before our anniversary and tried to make me jealous constantly.