

chazzledazzle Report User
Internet Cats 6 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
Dumb blond 10 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
In my opinion it's just always best to go with what the doc says. They're the professionals, and the ones who went to school, AND they usually have experience. They know what they're doing and what's best for your Health
Not that there's anything wrong with being fat 13 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
I have this issue all the time. I'm curvy, but I'm athletic and have a healthy weight. Whenever I see something on "how to dress your body type" curvy is never actually helpful for me
Human fetus? 79 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
Its been an uplifting dichotomy :)
Human fetus? 79 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
Ok. Want my story? I have a rare genetic condition. I feel useless and unhuman a considerable amount f the time. I may look normal, but that is my tantalization. Sometimes I am just like a normal girl, other times, in the middle of the night, one of my legs will wake me up, and in extreme contractions (comparable to a woman in labor) there are some monthes when I have to go through this every night. Let's say I could've been aborted. If someone were to kill me NOW. That wouldn't be nearly ok. If someone were to abort me, early in my life, well that's sad, maybe. But in all, it would've been ok. And despite everything, I am one of the happiest kids I know and I'm still fine with the thought that I could've been aborted; because as much as I value my life, maybe my mother could have had another daughter or adopted one, and she could have an even better life.
Human fetus? 79 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
I think that abortion should be regulated, like maybe by CPS. You would have to apply for an abortion, and there could be defaults like rape, under a certain age, complications, financial instability, poor genetic history, and such. Some people NEED abortion, some people WANT abortion. Abortion should be awarded to the former. The latter can stick it out for nine monthes when they can choose adoption.
It is one of my favorite quotes 14 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
Did anyone else see the finale? What'd y'all think?
The classiest tattoo 16 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
This is it. This is the tattoo i must have
Is this really true 59 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
Yup. That's florida
This meme is great for putting things in perspective 55 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
wow, debunked! i might need to tell my teacher that one! thanks for setting me straight!
This meme is great for putting things in perspective 55 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
vaccines are not just to protect you, but to protect others from you, like elderly, infants, and people with immune system disorders and/or diseases.
This meme is great for putting things in perspective 55 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
and sadly, i hate to be this frank, read me a lullaby, but if that baby's immune system couldn't handle a vaccine, their immune system would have been highly unlikely to have been able to support them, at best, 10 years.
This meme is great for putting things in perspective 55 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
jjohnson21 and noiseexplosion. good for you that you two are so healthy! however, not everyone can have entirely efficent immune systems such as you two. Even as someone who has a strong enough immune system (i'm not so convinced but i'll take your word for it) and a lot of luck, You can still harbor bacterium and virus that make other people sick. by not taking vaccines, you tend to make yourself more of a danger to people who can't be as lucky as you are, as you can still spread a virus, but not exactly become sick from it.
This meme is great for putting things in perspective 55 comments
chazzledazzle · 10 years ago
Take pertussis (whopping cough) for example. In 1974, Japan introduced a vaccine and over 80% of their infants were vaccinated. there were only about 380 cases of pertussis reported that year, but then this rumor began to spread that the vaccine was no longer necessary, then in 1979, there were only 10% of infants getting vaccinated, and it resulted in a major epidemic. There were somewhere around 13,000 cases reported and 41 deaths. Vaccines are entirely important to public health and are worth the trouble of 20 seconds of pain for a possible lifetime saved.
Pass me the fridge you stomach shirt 33 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
What breed is of your preference, may i ask?
The snow melted off of my cabin in a strange way 5 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
Can we just pretend it's a warm blanket?
Not safe for playing 7 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
For extra difficulty, just add balloons!
Oh Shit! 12 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
Mother nature fail 4 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
Bad luck butterfly
Browsing google maps when suddenly 12 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
"No one will ever know about our secret camel"
Pass me the fridge you stomach shirt 33 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
You sir, deserve a puppy
Your child as Batman 15 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
You're quite the deep thinker when it comes to the nature of birthing unconventional beings.
Pass me the fridge you stomach shirt 33 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
"may the dick be with you?"
Pass me the fridge you stomach shirt 33 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
I'm trying to figure out what i would say if this was me
2048 is a hell of a game! 11 comments
chazzledazzle · 11 years ago
The best kind of fun somewhat pisses you off