

— cheshire23 Report User
He can't read books but a mass murderer can 11 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
He can't read books but a mass murderer can 11 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
Its called fascism.
Exercise and Black Magic 3 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
If I exorcised as much as I practiced black magic I'd look like a body builder.
When I realize how much time I spent on the Internet 7 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
You must be new here
Double standards...double standards everywhere. 31 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
Don't forget the little black girl's lips. Her eyes kind of skew in different directions two. You might think the comic has a point but the author is an obvious racist.
Deal with it 6 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
A friend of a whale and a potted plant, I assume.
Police mugshots in the 1920s 17 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
Talk about a smooth criminal
Braking the cycle 40 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
Its also interesting that almost nowhere in the media is spanking portrayed. Its interesting because something like 4/5 (american) parents are pro-spanking but our sitcoms, which are sometimes regarded as a measure of 'best practices' in family life, never show spanking. At least not in a positive light.
Braking the cycle 40 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
Thank you, I know its a contentious issue but that's when we need civil discussion the most.
The lower IQs don't seem to fall along coincidence or poverty factors. It seems to occur in every group and class that spanks their kids in similar manners. I does seem like the poor spank more and harder though. Which if these IQ stats are true we especially need show the poor these facts.
Its interesting. They've developed brain scans that can actually peak inside the head and see what kind of abuse was inflicted on a person. (I don't know if you knew this but trauma actually causes physical damage in the brain.) But people that were spanked show the same signs of people we'd say were physically abused. It tends to be less severe but that's likely because the abused tends to be harsher than the spankings.
Hmm 121 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
The problem isn't really with some things needing to be predestined, its about God being omniscient. The argument is "If God knows everything that's going to happen then its set in stone, therefore man can't change it so he had no free will." Its an argument that leaks into a famous argument about the origin of evil-->
Hmm 121 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
I think its one of those things that just became christian canon. A lot of christian beliefs actually happen like that.
Magic and stuff 26 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
All master wizards as well.
Magic and stuff 26 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
As far as I know wandless magic was a thing, but it was driven by emotional extremes and not controllable. Like with Dudley and the snake. This guy must be a master wizard.
stop 3 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
Is that Nicolas Cage?
Your bones will never see sunlight 17 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
No. No, creative is bad.
Braking the cycle 40 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
I am stating the negative physical contact of any kind is all a degree of child abuse. I'm glad to hear the you haven't spanked your kid and I hope that if you consider spanking you'll look at the research first. There is some pretty convincing studies that show spanked children on average have a 10 point lower IQ, which is huge since IQ is stacks exponentially. Spanked kids tend to be more aggressive and anti social. They have a harder time negotiating with other kids and later as an adult. Its a very important and contentious issue.
Here's one article by the LA times but there are many more. I think you owe it to your kid to give them the best parenting you can and that included determining if spanking is good.
Here's a video presentation.
· Edited 11 years ago
I do this too much 3 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
I have 24 tabs open right now...
Braking the cycle 40 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
That's not actually an argument. Do you hit your kids? If you don't have any will you if you have them?
Old artists vs. New artists 65 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
Don't believe in the heroes they show us
i couldn't help but read it in his s*xy voice 7 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
You are very welcome.
Braking the cycle 40 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
Hitting is hitting.
The Generation That Can Change The World: Give 'Em Hell, Kids... 9 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
You can join us anyway!
Reality of war 29 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
I hope we never do again.
Old motherboard looks like ancient Greece 4 comments
cheshire23 · 11 years ago
Is... Is that dust?