Auroras larger than Earth on Jupiter 13 comments
· 7 years ago
I pretty shure that Jupiter is to far away from the sun and has to powerful of a magnetic field to have a aurora
If I was a traffic light, I would turn red every time I saw you just so I can look at you 7 comments
· 7 years ago
This isn't a vary good analogy, because once you are in the intersection you must clear it. So long as it's green when you enter your fine.
Humans vs animals 19 comments
Looking at you, unskippable video ads on Youtube 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I thing the pixel by google looks pretty cool, but the ads for it on YouTube are annoying. Guess who is definitely not buying a pixel now.
Or buy a goddamn premium account 2 comments
Unexpected flash effect 13 comments
· 7 years ago
while a shutter speed on most cameras is fast, compared to speed of light (almost 300Mm/s) it is comparatively slow. the entire photoreceptor would be exposed almost evenly to the flash by the time the shutter closed.
Mask that charges your phone 5 comments
Only with voices of people who mean a lot to me 31 comments
· 7 years ago
I just thought of a random sentence for my biology teacher to say. "Anon I thought I told you not to skinny dip in the pool"
It was his voice perfectly, but of all the things to say
It was his voice perfectly, but of all the things to say
Can't argue with science 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Actually I have to agree with him over all the heat of the earth would go up, in addition it would cost less just to run a gas or electric heater
But you have to travel a great distance 10 comments
· 7 years ago
While it is not a perfect sphere and is far at the equator it does not change the apparent gravity much, the real reason is as the earth spins it generates a outward force, it's the same reason space craft stay it orbit
Best tattoo artist No. 8 7 comments