

— choalejo Report User
What a douche 8 comments
choalejo · 10 years ago
Name plox
Weed 30 comments
choalejo · 10 years ago
ated with joy, the only side effect of marijuana in the body is that you can "damage" dopamine receptors, which would lead to the horrible and violent..... nothing, the result is that in order to obtain the same "doped" effect, you will have to take more marijuana, as simple as that. Behaviour nor personality changes, and some studies from california have shown that it actually helps on pacients with depression, while they aren't consuming, it has been proven that their dopamine levels are above what they were before the marijuana law was approved.... so school yourself, and stop saying urban myths without knowing shit, peace
Weed 30 comments
choalejo · 10 years ago
Lol wtf? Alcohol doesn't exactly affect a specific part of your brain. The excess of alcohol in blood is just gathered between neurons, as alcohol doesn't allow the potasium to be liberated or absorbed by the neuron, the pulse made through neuron to neuron is slowered and even stopped, there is no comunication between the neurons affected. This leads to connecting neurons using paths they would not normally use, that is why the reflexes are extremely lowered when you are under effect of the alcohol. Alcohol is just poison, alcohol overdose is caused when there's too much alcohol between neurons that there cannot be any more communication, and if the liver can filter all that alcohol, the damage leads to sequels as neuron can't absorb any nutrients either. And if you had a biology class you will know neurons are the only type of cell than can't regenerate.
On the other hand, the drug of the marijuana just activates the liberation of dopamine, this enzyme is what causes any feeling rel
Great example. 5 comments
choalejo · 11 years ago
i remmember that chapter, actually after doing all what's socially accepted in both groups, they end up realizing what they did was extremely stupid and just gather what's best of both groups
Teachers are striking tomorrow, mid-week day off 24 comments
choalejo · 11 years ago
In Argentina classes haven't even started due to an extended strike, it's being going for 3 weeks aprox, and it isn't the first time....
With lots of love, sincerely spacewolf 42 comments
choalejo · 11 years ago
are you kidding me? each one of this stories has been on the internet for over a decade.... and you claimed to have written them? disgusting
Damn worth the read 50 comments
choalejo · 11 years ago
anon's the god of rick rolling