

— choochooo Report User
Google, you so silly 3 comments
choochooo · 9 years ago
googl pls.
Am I the only one who thinks like this? 15 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
"Free energy" is an esoteric concept. If you're interested inform yourself about the scientific view.
Weird ad for foreigners 19 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
German is my native language, "fart" doesn't exist in German. "Fahrt" exists (and the verb "fahren").
Although it would be correct to use "Fahrt" as a synonyme for "Speed" it's not common and most Germans would think it's wrong.
Weird ad for foreigners 19 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
No. "fart" doesn't mean anything in German.
Speed = "Geschwindigkeit" or "Tempo"
This used to scare me to death. 16 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Seems like you never dealt with addicts. It would be a good start if people would stop thinking that you decide to be an addict. It's a mental problem. Telling an addict to just don't be addicted anymore is like telling a depressed person to just be happy. It's not that simple.
This used to scare me to death. 16 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
That's right but to smoke or not to smoke is not the only decision you can make considering your health.
This used to scare me to death. 16 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
That's not the point. It's about deliberating the idea and thinking about other stuff that damages the human body - stuff people rarely think about because it's not as tangible as smoking. It's so easy to point at smokers and say "You do something wrong" and as you can perfectly see here people just love to be at one with something, they love to feel morally superior even if they acutally aren't. It's just hard to realize that maybe you're doing something wrong as well, few people are able to endure this thought.
2 · Edited 10 years ago
This used to scare me to death. 16 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Would you still drink alcohol? Live in a city with big industrial areas & smog? Buy a house near a highly frequented road and inhale the emissions? ... If what happens on the inside would happen on the outside we'd live in the wilderness, far away from big cities, far away from plastic sh*t (which doesn't just pollute the oceans), there'd be less pharmaceuticals consumed because even a "harmless" headache pill damages the stomach mucosa, etc. If you think this idea through smoking becomes just a small problem among the other stuff.
Edit: These are just simple facts, what is your problem?
· Edited 10 years ago
Watchout guys 10 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Oh no she doesn't wear gloves
This dude. 4 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
+1 only for the Missy Elliott one. GENIUS
What if? 5 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
This is Samona Naomi Williams. But for creating this picture I actually just googled "gold skin" so I don't know anything about her. Edit: except the fact she's fabulous.
4 · Edited 10 years ago
Six word stories - part one 26 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
"For sale: baby shoes, never worn"
- Hemingway
Drip dry 12 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Do men?
Mind Blown! 8 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Yes, it's me, choochooo
Interesting data 27 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Is it now about "Who has to suffer the most"?
Just another one-sided portrayal doesn't make anything better.
It's time for you guys to meet the bae 29 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
I wanna hit the "Play" button
Meninist Activism dot org 25 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Damn. I'm already used to "masculinism". GET OUT OF MY HEAD, YOU WRONG WORD
Big Majestic Kitty 7 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Otherwise... maybe it just pulls out my leg instead of my hand *pets it*
Meninist Activism dot org 25 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
You're right. :-)
Meninist Activism dot org 25 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
I thought about "masculinism".
Which one do you prefer?
This iceberg's parents melted. Now he fights global warming 6 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
That's the joke.
The thing is both can kill you 10 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
I don't think it's sooo funny
but +1 for the Ronald McDonald artwork.
Parents perfectly lip sync their children's argument 9 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Cute couple :-)
Oh, I see the resemblance 8 comments
choochooo · 10 years ago
Don't be sad. I'm sure it was picked up by a lovely dragon and now they experience the most wonderful adventures.
3 · Edited 10 years ago