

choupachoups Report User
What a great guy 8 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
No problems :)
What a great guy 8 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Would you please simply stop. This post is about this guy doing an incredible act, and you should be talking about how incredible this is, not about the person who wrote this asked for likes. Seriously, focus on the good things.
14 · Edited 10 years ago
Who is with me?! 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
*gasps in shock, then firmly pushes teresawall8786 out of the room*
"Gee, I hope it's a puppy!" 31 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
I was just kidding, I agree, guns can be fun, although I still do prefer puppies *shakes mrblackbelt108's hand in agreement*
My new favourite game to play 113 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Username: chooboobpoobchooboobps = too long to even comprehend
"Gee, I hope it's a puppy!" 31 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Don't say such horrible and sad things, here, take happiness. *hands over 20 puppies and kittens*
Just Pick Yourself Up 18 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
one_unknown_enigma, yeah Asterix and Obelix, he carries rocks around on his back.
Just Pick Yourself Up 18 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Probably because it's a french comic, search it up, he carries enormous rocks behind him, so I think it must be easier to do it like that.
Just Pick Yourself Up 18 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Apparently it must be easier for carrying big weights. Ever heard of Obelix?
"Gee, I hope it's a puppy!" 31 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
No !!!!!! Puppies are life !!!!!
"Gee, I hope it's a puppy!" 31 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
One more year with no kinder eggs
Who is with me?! 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
*grabs my whole group of friends and raise their hands as well as mine*
What religious wars look like from an atheist point of view 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
I'm not religious and I totally agree with you people above. If I don't want my beliefs (or non-beliefs) mocked, why would I mock yours? It's simply not fair, and I think that whatever you believe or don't believe, people should leave you alone, you are not attacking them or offending them by believing something different than them.
What if 11 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
This is not possible, if we had no future, I would be dying right now, because the second right after this one is the future, you don't have to go a hundred years for it to be the future.
What religious wars look like from an atheist point of view 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
The things we learn as we grow older. 24 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
I think that in normal english, the translation would be: Well, my religion is right and yours is wrong, that's why I don't want to hear yours.
I don't know how people can write like that, it hurts my brain just to try reading it.
The things we learn as we grow older. 24 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Haha... Funny.... (this is a joke, right?)
I Think it's a cute idea 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
My grandmother forgot that she left the shoes she used for the footprints next to the fireplace, full of ashes, so that was ruined :P
Maybe it's neighbelline 10 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
I neigh it's pretty hard to find them but you'll mane-age.
Maybe it's neighbelline 10 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
I got a horse throat from laughing at this joke, it's okay, my condition is stable.
I Think it's a cute idea 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Yeah, I agree, there are some pretty dirty things on here, that 9 year olds shouldn't know, especially if they have an account and can look at the hidden things.
I Think it's a cute idea 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Then you'd know that there are 9 year olds on this site, not that they'd still believe in Santa Claus, I was just joking (sorry if I offended anybody).
I Think it's a cute idea 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
You obviously haven't been following the comment thread where people said how old they were, have you?
The things we learn as we grow older. 24 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Wow, that is so true, the last birthday party I ever had was for my eleventh birthday, then nothing.
I Think it's a cute idea 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Well Santa in our house (I mean my grandmother but shush for the 9 year olds on this site) left footprints out of ash from the fireplace, because that's where he comes from, down the chimney.