f*ck da Police 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Evil auld bitch..
context is important 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Hitler was charismatic at the time, the whole world fell in love with him before the war, but to say he was smart would be somewhat questionable, the same man who thought to exhaust many troops in a battle he could never win for the name of the Russian village (Stalingrad) and almost had the designs for a new and more powerful gun (the first assault rifle) destroyed and the production stopped because he "didn't like the look of it"
More Things That Would Break the Internet 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, I'm not crazy, just... No! Don't put me back in the home! No! Please! They poke me with sticks!
More Things That Would Break the Internet 22 comments
· 10 years ago
This list contains 5 items, if you take 1 off 5 then you get 4, four is exactly double the amount of eyeballs Joseph Stalin had, Stalin was in charge of the Red Army, Army has four letters, if you add the number of noses Stalin had (1) to that 4, you get 5, from there we take away the exact number of oscars that Leo has won, then minus the number of legs Nic Cage has. Boom, half life 3 confirmed
Well I think they've succeeded 9 comments
· 10 years ago
If you are somewhat perplexed by the true meaning of Stonehenge, look up Newgrange, older than Stonehenge and a lot more impressive too
The face I make when someone says David Tennant is the "Second Doctor" 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Look, if you need proof I will provide, I have gone back through time, and if you want, I can prove my point, just say the word and I will prove my point
The face I make when someone says David Tennant is the "Second Doctor" 27 comments
· 10 years ago
I was busy, technically that point in the space time continuum was the earliest point I could comment without creating a minor paradox, fantastic isn't it?!
David Tennant (Sorry if this is a repost) 45 comments
Just like animal farm 12 comments
Daleks vs. Cybermen 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I miss this style of episode, series 1-3 is where I reckon' it was at the peak of brilliance
Life hack 21 comments
A sharpie can always come in handy 19 comments
Europe according to creative people 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Ireland is in the shape of a toy bear, it is often known for looking like a koala bear or a teddy bear
A sharpie can always come in handy 19 comments