This is the Dota 2 championships. This is how big Electronic Sports has become 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Nah bro
*cue fangirls losing their shit in 3...2...1* 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah I can understand that. Maybe it's just not my cup of tea. Everyone has their type anyways, I guess.
We deserve an explanation 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Really? Wow, you know I love the american country parts with the huge corn fields and the red barns...I'd like to live there. You're lucky!!
I prefer bigger guys to skinny guys 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Well, in a country like mine (Greece), the 95% are white people, and even if I don't think of Greeks are racist, it's very weird for me to say "I prefer black men to white men." It's guaranteed that I'll get strange looks, and therefore I just keep it a secret.
*cue fangirls losing their shit in 3...2...1* 22 comments
· 9 years ago
And with a weird ass face lol
I have no idea...I am a girl and I don't find him at all attractive :/
I have no idea...I am a girl and I don't find him at all attractive :/
Daredevil is just doing the best he can 25 comments
We deserve an explanation 26 comments
· 9 years ago
That's really cool, I'll use it now :D
Ohio is such a nice state, I had a friend who lived in a farm there. Too bad I'm not American xD
Ohio is such a nice state, I had a friend who lived in a farm there. Too bad I'm not American xD
Language map 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Greek is my native...I started English when I was 8 and German when I was 11. I learnt Swedish and Czech from a friend, Dutch through online courses, French from my mom and through movies and Chinese are my favorite :P
I am not very good, but I'm starting lessons for a degree in Chinese next year while I study English literature on University xD
I am not very good, but I'm starting lessons for a degree in Chinese next year while I study English literature on University xD
*cue fangirls losing their shit in 3...2...1* 22 comments
I never knew that was a slang term 12 comments
Trust me, I'm an Engineer. 9 comments
· 9 years ago
*Instantly thinks of tf2*
Sorry, that was completely irrelevant.
But it happened in my brain.
Sorry, that was completely irrelevant.
But it happened in my brain.
We deserve an explanation 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Where are you from? I've never heard "rustle some jimmies" before :O
It's awesome
It's awesome
I prefer bigger guys to skinny guys 20 comments
· 9 years ago
It's kind of embarrassing to say it out loud in my personal cycle of people (family and friends) because it's unusual and rather...not acceptable in my life and the people around me, but I really have a thing for black men, even if I am a white female.
I can't really control it, or restrain it, or hell, even explain it. It's just that if you are black, I am instantly 10 times more attracted to you than to a person of my race.
I can't really control it, or restrain it, or hell, even explain it. It's just that if you are black, I am instantly 10 times more attracted to you than to a person of my race.
Daredevil is just doing the best he can 25 comments
· 9 years ago
When everyone is talking about Marvel and DC ane there still be those assholes that will talk about Doctor Who and Supernatural.
Language map 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I can speak English, Greek, German, Dutch, basic Swedish and Czech and some Mandarin Chinese. And I guess a few French too.
very true 32 comments
· 9 years ago
My parents touched my phone once; when they bought it for me. Nobody asks to see what I watch, or read or whom I text lol
Please understand the she isnt sayig Die... 6 comments
I wonder what the project was... 6 comments
So True 10 comments
· 9 years ago
You can watch the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo...
Girl rapes a dude with a dildo and then tatoos his chest (After being anal raped from him and forced to give him head) :/
Girl rapes a dude with a dildo and then tatoos his chest (After being anal raped from him and forced to give him head) :/
Gettin' some speechwriter booty. 6 comments
Gamer gf you say? 167 comments
· 9 years ago
I can guarantee you that this is 100% true.
Sometimes sniping and camping is more important.
Sometimes sniping and camping is more important.