You better follow dad’s rules 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Whether this is bad or good parenting depends on what she did to have this as a punishment
Edited 10 years ago
Apply cold water to the burned area 16 comments
· 10 years ago
He is right in this one though, most judges there are less talented than some of the participants
Making Little kids cry 8 comments
Why I hate the English language 16 comments
· 10 years ago
am I the only one that thinks the English language is the easiest of all and that these are made to confuse native speakers?
Epic things 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Actually, bone is pound for pound stronger than steel. A piece of steel that is the same size as a bone would weigh to five times more than the bone does. In principle, a bone can withstand over 19,000 pounds of pressure without breaking, but the trick is that the pressure needs to be delivered slowly. For example, when doing CPR, if the compressions are done quickly there is a strong possibility that ribs will be broken, but if those same compressions are done at a slower pace there will not be broken ribs as a result :)
Reference: www.livescience.com
Reference: www.livescience.com
That will be great 5 comments
· 11 years ago
That may be true, and it is if you ask me, but then it means that they should try harder finding the good ones. Or not complain about them.
that's the spirit 10 comments
· 11 years ago
You see, believers expressing their beliefs is okay but the other way round is not. Why is that? Because believers say so, that's why.
I need to learn this language 12 comments
That will be great 5 comments
That will be great 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Why do guys always go for the boring, spoiled, bitchy girls!? Find someone that you have fun with
* hint hint * 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Or tell his new girlfriend that taking her on a date was a bet he lost with his friends!!
Maybe it's the way she walked.. 13 comments
Macro photography of a blood cell 3 comments