User chs4esq Banned

Mountain Dew experiment turns mouse into jelly 26 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Wouldn't this same thing happen if you put a mouse in water for 30 days? Normal bacteria would breakdown and eat the body parts
That could have been a bad choice 8 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Take both...the colon cleanser usually takes 8-12 hours to work, so you wouldn't have to set an alarm
I know fashion week has already passed, but... 11 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
But them knee-highs...DAAAAAMMMMNNNN Boy!
19 · Edited 10 years ago
Feminism summed up into one tweet 18 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
It looks like the tide reversed... there were originally like 4 down votes before I added a source
Am I going to Hell? Yeah, probably 174 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I'd think it was much worse, because a 24 year old would know better. Kids make stupid decisions, and try to solve them. I remembered when I was 13, at a friends house and we a prank pizza delivered for my neighbor, when we got caught, I thought my life was over... When my dad finally got off work and picked me up, he had to pay $50 for pizza and his only comment was "Don't ever do that again, especially when you're not home to see their reaction."
this post is a trainwreck 6 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
yes, see my clip below
Feminism summed up into one tweet 18 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
They were not invented to stop bullet wounds, that was just a use discovered during ww2... Tampons have been in use since ancient Greece and Egypt (when they didn't have bullets) Edit: Not sure why that was down voted -
16 · Edited 10 years ago
Am I going to Hell? Yeah, probably 174 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Typically when this happens the girl hides it from her parents. They don't get the medical care they need, and normally no one else knows. Its easy to wear baggy clothes and say you're just gaining weight. There was a series on TV called "I didn't know I was pregnant" where girls carry a child almost to term before they realize, Oh Shit, "there's a baby in my sweatpants" (that's an actual name of an episode). Normally the thought process is, that they can just have the baby and get rid of it and no one will know. It's actually more common that it should be.
Actually I'm quite amazed by how she came up with this idea 12 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I'm sure there were fingers involved later that evening
Am I going to Hell? Yeah, probably 174 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Some girls do it to get boys to like them. Boys will literally sleep with anyone, especially in high school. If you don't find someone you want to kiss or date or have sex with, don't do it. I had a friend once who told me about his female friend who would let him have sex with her strictly as friends. She said she liked the feeling but didn't want a relationship. Turned out she had literaly nothing to do most nights, so this was a way for here to be with someone else, even if they just watched a movie first. At least she was out..... PLEASE PLEASE don't fall into that situation. When the time is right all of these things will happen for you.
The Chair 13 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Yeah its a poster on the wall behind the stack
The Chair 13 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
THE Chair? I think you mean chairS!
92L ;) 23 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
hell yeah, 92 L.... Uh, I've gotta change my pants
Going To Hell For This 9 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I'm going to hell for posting this link, but has anyone seen the movie kids?
Somebody's mom has explaining to do 15 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Haha that wasn't supposed to be a pun
Somebody's mom has explaining to do 15 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
someone just drew the short stick when it came to the genetic lottery
I think that apple need to make better chargers 17 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
This is like 75% user error. You're unplugging by pulling on the cord. You're supposed to pinch the white plastic part and pull. This happens to any cord, not just Apple products (it happened to my old samsung with the micro usb)
Guess I'll Skip Washing This Time 4 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
No it's not a reflected image...If you compare the picture of Morpheus to this one:
You will see that on his right side just below his neck there is a slight reflection (I thought it was a button at first), and that same reflection from the flash is on this picture. Boom!
· Edited 10 years ago
When you haven't seen your bestie in a while 4 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I love the fake slow motion
Guess I'll Skip Washing This Time 4 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
they're on the wrong sides... hot should be on the left and cold the right
Lumbercat 3 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I want to be alone...But with somebody else 48 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Have any of you had sex? It's really amazing, as long as it's with someone you care about.
I Don't Think You Need A DNA Test For That 7 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I've seen the episode, and spoiler alert.... he's not :(
20 · Edited 10 years ago