User chs4esq Banned
Literally? 27 comments
· 10 years ago
@rogue... As I guy I read that as "I want to have a rich guy take care of me for the rest of my life and do nothing"... I doubt that's what you meant, but that's the first thing that popped into my mind (and I'm sure other men's)
That was an awesome day 17 comments
· 10 years ago
You mean like the one that increased my insurance premiums by 120%? Or the one that raised the tax on my 401k from 15% to 25%? Yes please block those... Feel free to create an account and we can debate, I'm not going to argue with an anonymous guest or guests
Edited 10 years ago
That was an awesome day 17 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not saying he could flip a light switch and fix things, I'm just saying the time wasted on photoshopping this image, planning the presentation, and all his other things to make him look cool could be spent better elsewhere. (*i realize he did t do the photoshopping, but someone in hos press department did, that person could have spent their time elsewhere)
That was an awesome day 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah a surprisingly high percentage of presidents were, unfortunately this only goes back to 1923... But SOUTHPAWs UNITE
That was an awesome day 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes I'm so glad there's a "cool guy" in the White House... I'm glad he's not wasting his time on fixing America's problems
Lindsey Sterling should get a Grammy 34 comments
· 10 years ago
She probably deserves to have her name spelled correctly too... It's stirling
How I feel having a 4yr old daughter 30 comments
Anyone agree? 10 comments
· 10 years ago
To cooking? No... to fine dining? yes. A camera phone can never do professional grade photos, but for what most people use their camera phone for what they used to use a camera for, only now it's available 24/7. Most camera phones have better resolution than old cameras (for the most part), and produce great photos. Just imagine how many parents captured moments they never would have without a camera phone?
Emma's face 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Probably... If you're being honest, everyone considers the physical, even if you don't want to think that way. I agree that I usually date people based on their personality, but I don't get a chance to know them unless im attracted to them in the first place.
Oldest Known Globe Carved into an Ostrich Egg 1 comments
· 10 years ago
Wait is that the oldest known globe that happens to be carved on an ostrich egg? Or is it the oldest globe carved on an ostrich egg period? The second meaning there are other older globes just not on eggs... Hmm
How I feel every time someone comments on a post from months ago 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah, to the right above the comment box, there is an unfollow comments link. I just never click it on things I post.
Throwing dead babies 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I've never been to one of those protests (on either side), but my understanding is they can only say stuff to you, they can't physiclly touch or block you or even threaten you legally. I'm not saying it isn't done, but the protester could be charged for that
How I feel every time someone comments on a post from months ago 20 comments
· 10 years ago
No, am I the only one who gets random notifications from things I posted a year ago? I think its when people click the random button
I learned the hard way 6 comments
· 10 years ago
That's not the best advice. And its vastly oversimplifying things. Assuming you're degree is $30k a year, and your career pays $25k, yeah its doesn't make sense. But let's say your degree is 40k (about what my MBA cost) and it increases your salary 10k in the first year, after 5 years its paid for itself (and any interest), and now you're making 10k more each year. It also complete eliminates most jobs that people do for the love of it (Drs without borders, Legal Aids, most teachers, etc).
Throwing dead babies 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually yes he likely can... Either for assault (hitting someone with something they don't want) or for public disturbance. He's also opened himself up to a bunch of civil law suits. There's a reason those protesters just say stuff and don't touch anyone.
Anyone else? 16 comments
· 10 years ago
If you don't know that address, feel free to call and ask... Their phone number is (202) 456-1212 (don't ask why I know their number)
Edited 10 years ago
Height difference 15 comments
· 10 years ago
This is a real picture. They go to the University of Kentucky [where I went :)]. UK has a rule where cheerleaders need to be under 5 foot to be on the squad (since they get tossed in the air alot), so they're all super short... where as the basketball players are both over 6'3", which is extremely tall for a woman
Edited 10 years ago
I'd want to die either way. 20 comments
where should i apply 19 comments
· 10 years ago
I know, I was just responding to the comment using the medical term... To help save people from goo flinging pictures (goo flinging was the autocorrect of googling, so I'm keeping it)
where should i apply 19 comments
· 10 years ago
The common name is bed sores... And they can be bad, it happens to elderly a lot in nursing homes
Waldo in Russia 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm glad I'm not the only one who liked this movie... I liked Thomas Jane better than the guy in War Zone, but then again I didn't read the comics