User chs4esq Banned

what. 10 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
No worries I wasn't complaining... just saying I've had this discussion before, that's why my answer was so readily available :)
what. 10 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
They were in completely different times in history. Anne Frank died when she was like 16, where as MLK didn't do anything really noteworthy until he was around his late-30s... So their contributions to society were actually over 20 years apart, or roughly the time between Pearl Harbor and the first Man in space (20 years)... (This post has been on here several times).
17 · Edited 10 years ago
Your car doesn't have its own swing? 9 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I have never once called it a parking ramp... its either garage or parking lot.
This kid is going places 13 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I don't think that's the important thing. It's probably in the dining room or kitchen counter. The important thing is this kid cleverly deceived his parents and his genius should be appreciated. APPRECIATE IT!!!!
So smooth 4 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I thought you shaved your pubes to get rid of crabs?
War 25 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
The Star Wars took place in the late 70s and 80s. They started again in the early 2000s, but weren't nearly as good. It seems like tensions are rising and there may be more Star Wars later this year, which will likely recurr 2 more times over the next 4 years. You also forgot the Cola wars which divided the United states almost as much as the civil war.
Your car doesn't have its own swing? 9 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
In the US we generally call them parking lots or garages. Generally it's called a garage if its it covered or has multiple levels (like at a mall). I have never heard anyone in the US actually use the term car park, but I would know what they were talking about.
Maybe drake should be the major 21 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Major what?
War 25 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
12 of the other 17 years included the great depression
Slenderman is artistically atrocious 3 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Slender man has been around longer than Willy Moon... Slender man was first named in 2009 ( Willy Moon wasn't active until 2010 ( so who copied who?
22 · Edited 10 years ago
What!?? 13 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
SOLVED: Ok, based on the actual commercial, it is clearly no Tears in eyes... it clearly shows on the screen "TEAR FREE FOR EYES" and says "TEAR FREE" in the AD:
Happy Belated St Patty's Day 11 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
There's a joke about a third thing, but I think that was for Scottish men :)
The second part is true! Love ya Jon! 8 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
That's exactly what will happen. It has already happened in some cities, particularly a small town in Colorado. Here's a documentary about what happened: (please at least click on the link before you down vote :) )
3 · Edited 10 years ago
For all that say ISIS are Muslims 52 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Oh I didn't realize they made STATEMENTS. I'm assuming you're a Muslim based on your numerous lengthy comments, however I don't think arguing here will do anything.
How Europeans imagine 'Muricans 38 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Washington has legal Pot... CHECK and MATE
Pixels official trailer. Can't wait! 13 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
Yes it is a real movie, and yes there was a futurama episode that was somewhat similar
Pixels official trailer. Can't wait! 13 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I hadn't heard about this, but it seems interesting... I think I may have seen part of it
Perfect fit! 4 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I find it ironic that you called him a huge dick then insinuated that he doesn't have a huge one :)
For all that say ISIS are Muslims 52 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
If Muslims don't want ISIS to be considered Islam, maybe they should do something about it instead of criticizing others for their "confusion"...
For all that say ISIS are Muslims 52 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
So the other Muslim terrorist organizations are fine? Terrorism is terrorism... if they are saying they're doing it for religious reasons, then its safe to assume they are that religion. You could argue the same thing for the Westboro baptists, they say what they're doing is in the name if Christianity, so outsiders would consider them christian.
A new born car, it still has the umbilical cord 12 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
New cars shouldn't be vaccinated, otherwise they can get audi-ism
For all that say ISIS are Muslims 52 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
What!?? 13 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
I have never heard of a hair tear until discussions about this (I've seen this posted topic posted before)
For all that say ISIS are Muslims 52 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
@guest... If you walked up to me and said "I am pastafarian and I worship the all mighty flying spaghetti monster and if you don't believe in pastafarianism, I'm going to kill you." Is it safe to assume that they consider themselves pastafarian, regardless of what the teachings of the religion are? So why can't I say "This crazy guest pastafarian threatened to kill me?"
What!?? 13 comments
chs4esq · 10 years ago
They literally say no tears (pronounced like the ones you cry) in the commercial