those cute texts to ur ex :3 3 comments
· 9 years ago
So you can remind them of how much you hate them
Batman vs Superman 22 comments
· 9 years ago
that's called having a moral code, but Batman can be the meanest son of a bitch if he's pushed...
They have no clue I'm in the car. Should I honk? 24 comments
· 9 years ago
*asking myself if anybody else realized this post is from a guest that won't receive notifications and won't probably be on FS for a while*
120 mph crash 19 comments
· 9 years ago
like c31107, if 2 vehicles both going @ 60mph hit each other front by front, you reach a total impact speed of 120mph.
Audio orb will give you 360 degrees of bass 45 comments
· 9 years ago
EXCUSE YOU, I don't think Frodo Baggins has ever complained about Tolkien having him travel to afoot to Mordor to destroy the Ring. I also do not think Harry Potter has ever complained about being an orphan or have to destroy the most powerful wizard of all times....deal with it!
You guys will rich one day anyway U.U
You guys will rich one day anyway U.U
Audio orb will give you 360 degrees of bass 45 comments
· 9 years ago
I just want them to keep fighting on and don't lose the hope that something good will, one day, happen to them. If they'll be strong they'll have a nice and rich life together.
Audio orb will give you 360 degrees of bass 45 comments
· 9 years ago
:D I still have to decide what job will StrangelyAcoustic do.....maybe something really horrible....like human street sign holder, or human lighting rod...one thing is for sure....He'll basicallly be working 20 hours a day to be able to afford a house.
Audio orb will give you 360 degrees of bass 45 comments
· 9 years ago
WAIT...did morelli just post a laughing Nicholas Cage gif in response to my ship?
Audio orb will give you 360 degrees of bass 45 comments
Audio orb will give you 360 degrees of bass 45 comments
Audio orb will give you 360 degrees of bass 45 comments
I can't see between the nopes 42 comments
Time was very good to her 12 comments
Time was very good to her 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Notice how in the first pic he's trying to avoid her being to close to him...and how she's doing the same thing to him 10 years later...
I guess the internet was right about Nokia 6 comments
· 9 years ago
you know those big things you find in hotels for breakfast that are roughly holding 4 pints?
Me in a picture 27 comments