
Can't explain this enough 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I think this is more in reference to women saying "Nothing" when asked what's wrong, even though they are clearly upset about something.
Sad or the saddest thing ever? 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Besides, zoos and animal parks rarely "buy" their animals. Most are rescues or born in captivity. They're doing the best they can to make this polar bear happy since he probably can't survive in the wild, so please try and appreciate their efforts. Yes, it's sad that he can't have an ideal exhibit, but until you know the cost of keeping one of these babies comfortable, let alone a full park of various species, please don't complain about their methods. Instead, go visit your local park and give some money to help out the animals like this.
X-ray image of a pregnant cat with six kittens 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
She might have needed an x-ray for other medical reasons (intestinal blockage, vomiting and diarrhea, etc), or they might have x-rayed to confirm that it wasn't a false pregnancy. Ultrasound machines are very expensive, so not all vet offices have one. Don't worry, one x-ray won't hurt the kittens.(:
What's yours? 136 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Warriors fandom! *raises hand*
Ever wanted to see a cat eat a noodle? 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Long, thin objects like this can tangle and block kitty intestines, causing a life-threatening blockage that requires very expensive surgery to fix. Be careful!
I went as a zombie, comment what you went as! 53 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I didn't dress up, aka I went as a college student with crippling debt and severe anxiety but ambitious dreams and a heart of gold.
worth reading 8) 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'm imagining it's in reference to the Kim Kardashian gif? "Don't be fucking rude" as she hits her sister with her purse? So funny.
Girls just want to have FUNdamental rights 81 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Have you ever actually been to school? Yes, it's the person's fault for breaking the rules if they choose to wear something against dress code. But do you know WHY the dress code exists? So that the kids aren't distracted. I kid you not, that's the only reason. "It increases focus and organization in the classroom," which is total BS. If I want to wear a tank top and shorts because it's over 100 outside and my classrooms are hot too, then I'm going to wear a tank top and shorts. It's not my fault if you get distracted by my shoulders or thighs, which exist on 99.5% of women and men in the world. It's nothing novel, there's no reason it should be a distraction. Unless I have a super cool tattoo. But because typically female clothing is far more revealing than men's clothing, it's the girls who get picked on and the girls are the reason the rules were created. I have never once seen a guy wearing a tank top get in trouble for it, but God forbid a girl's sleeve isn't three fingers thick.
Plus it's epic. I love studying to Skyrim's soundtrack 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The complete Lord of the Rings soundtrack is amazing. Almost 10 hours!
Megalodon sharks: The ocean nightmare 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Fun fact: SeaWorld never actually "capture and keeps" anything. Everything is either a rescue that is too injured to survive on its own if released, or was born in captivity and never learned the survival skills needed to live in the open ocean.
It's all a conspiracy I tell you 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Barty Crouch Jr. didn't die. His soul was taken by a dementor's kiss. And transplanted into the Tenth Doctor, obviously.
I want a tree! 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's a great idea, but it wouldn't work. For one, as people have said, the roots would cause problems by destroying the caskets and preventing too many trees growing close together. Also, a lot of trees aren't compatible to grow near each other or in certain climates. And knowing human nature, people would insist that THEY WANT THIS TREE and try to plant one that doesn't work. Wish we could find a way to make this possible though! Those urns are a good idea.
Dat Face 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Please remember that foxes are wild animals. No matter how friendly they may seem, their instincts are wild and they can be dangerous. Adorable, but dangerous. They are also very prominent rabies carriers on the US east coast.