This painting was painted by Adolf Hitler in 1905 54 comments
· 10 years ago
I never said she couldn't have her own opinion. And other guest, you assumed that that was my only knowledge of world war two or any other happenings in that time, which is not.
This painting was painted by Adolf Hitler in 1905 54 comments
· 10 years ago
I didn't say anything about you before you commented back, did I? I was talking about Hitler and how he killed millions of innocent men, women, and children. I can't believe how you are siding with a man who, if in fact you lived in that time, wouldn't think twice about killing anyone. His soldiers picked up babies by the feet and swung their head as hard as they could into fucking walls, and you're sitting here and telling me that it is wrong to simply express my opinion about Hitler and his actions. I agree that it was wrong of me to assume that no one cares, but I don't find it cool that he painted a picture, and even more so that you are insulting me because I called Hitler a prick. Have you even seen Schindler's List? I suspect you know nothing about this subject.
This painting was painted by Adolf Hitler in 1905 54 comments
· 10 years ago
And, Fangirl_life, i bet you feel pretty macho being a keyboard commando, but no need to call me a prick. I'm not the one who committed genocide.