what is this blender music that my ears doth hear 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Bring a gun for when the mob comes to get you. Heresy!!!
Look closely, she didn't spill any 17 comments
Bill Clinton meeting JFK 8 comments
Same for being proud of being white, black, etc 19 comments
· 10 years ago
I am sorry but this post is dumb patriotism love for your country is awesome. Because by the time you identify as someone who is patriotic chances are you have been living and experiencing that country up to that point so Yeh. Now radical patriotism. THAT sucks
It all makes sense now 9 comments
My first friend I got to join FS! 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Kinda looks like he found it on his own just sayin and then you pointed out that YOU too are on it regularly
My favorite part from Attack on Naruto 23 comments
Forced perspective graffiti 4 comments
· 10 years ago
This type of shit can give a dude a heart attack I mean for real turn the corner and see motherfu**in typography floating in mid air
Sorry, just felt like it had to be said. 159 comments
· 10 years ago
Most of this stuff is from the 90s and older wtf. And 2000s kids what you get shit after 2010? Nah. Nah....