Even Jewish temples are for Jesus 13 comments
· 9 years ago
And that^ was meant to be a seperate coment; not a reply. Sorry!
Even Jewish temples are for Jesus 13 comments
· 9 years ago
People post so much stuff that antagonizes Christianity, and then get so upset when people antagonize their lifestyle. A lot of what is said in a negative light about Christians is crap like is in this post. Yesterday I saw a post where homosexuals blamed all antagonism for their lifestlye on Christians. Not only is Chistianity not the only source of condemnation for that lifestlye, blaming the entirety of the antagonism on Christians was an act of antagonism towards Christianity. I'm tired of the double standard. Homosexuals can condemn Christianity and people celebrate their right to an opinion. When a Christian states his/her beliefs concerning homosexuality, all of the sudden no one cares about the right to a conviction, or to say what they believe.
People can say bull crap about Christianity, and the crowd jumps in to mock Christians without caring about what Christians say in answer. I don't see very much maturity, love, or open mindedness in that crowd of people.
People can say bull crap about Christianity, and the crowd jumps in to mock Christians without caring about what Christians say in answer. I don't see very much maturity, love, or open mindedness in that crowd of people.
Michael Jackson's son Blanket Jackson refused to shake 19 comments
· 10 years ago
I can't believe that so many people down-voted the fact that there's a difference between boys and girls. Not only is this pretty basic (and obvious) stuff we're talking about, it's also FREAKING FANTASTIC