Should I be laughing? 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Then you have no tolerance over your sisters
Just let it go 12 comments
Oh humanity... 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Besides, isn't it funny too?
We make fun of something then say "it is just a joke", leaving the other person in emotional scar, thinking it is not our problem. And boom, supervillain is born. I think, whenever I see a criminal, I think his friends and relatives are the real asshole.
We make fun of something then say "it is just a joke", leaving the other person in emotional scar, thinking it is not our problem. And boom, supervillain is born. I think, whenever I see a criminal, I think his friends and relatives are the real asshole.
If you raise them right 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I think some kids are decent even when the parents are not.
Just look at who loves the dogs most.
Just look at who loves the dogs most.
"Worth a try, I mean what's the worst that could happen?" 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, your chance of dying rather than getting superpower is too muh greater. Having a superpower is only in 1 in umm.....what is it again? Oh yeah, almost infinity.
The difference a few centuries can make 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Atheists are great and genius, and Christians are idiot.
Nice one, man.
Atheists are great and genius, and Christians are idiot.
Nice one, man.