Best answer ever 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Who gives bottled water to plants?
Normal is an illusion 4 comments
· 9 years ago
It's not an illusion, it's a standard that our species, or a subset make for ourselves to held filter what we know to what we need to know.
Wear art in the way you want 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, but you are always able to take off your trunks, and it won't cost thousands, plus pain to get them removed
Born this way 13 comments
I always thought about this... 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Nah, kryptonite is basically the human equivalent of uranium. It's radioactive which is why not everyone on krypton just died. It's also not found everywhere
This is a little much 45 comments
· 9 years ago
What cells in bone marrow possibly substitute that spot of the only cell possible of fertilizing an egg?
Beauty metal processing 11 comments
· 9 years ago
They most likely put the parts in afterwards. They are just carving the husk of the knob
I was bone that way 3 comments
A wild somewhat-obscure reference appears! 3 comments
An ice cream that changes color when you lick it 13 comments
Disappointment 32 comments
This pendulum wave demonstration with 16 bowling balls is really impressive 6 comments
· 10 years ago
The reason, like said in the video is because of longer strings and heavier bowling balls. When all released at the same time the balls all take a longer time to swing as the get heavier. All of it should be considered chaos, but it's due to the brains need to find patterns. Only at the parts where it looks like chaos is when the brain can't find a patern in the bowling balls. Near the end of the video, the bowling balls are suppose to look like a line again, but doesnt really look like it. Most of that was due to the little price of metal located at the bottom of each bowling ball. It slightly decreased each of the force of the balls making it look a little bit more seperate every time it hit the metal.
Scumbag teeth 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Bones or teeth for the matter have a hardness of about 5 on the MOHs hardness scale, where diamond is a whopping 10. Anything higher then 5 such as Quartz would also be able to pierce provided it be a drill.
Insomnia 8 comments