Definition of "WTF?!?!" 21 comments
· 10 years ago
And this here is a representation of the internet e.e
my teacher have never done this before; there was nothing be thankful about 13 comments
· 10 years ago
This happened to me just a few months ago, however, it wasn't until I asked him to help with with another school project that I was able to get his number. that was only possible because I had gotten somewhat comfortable talking to him during that first project ^.^
Fie Friedrichsen...Took her two years to lose 150 pounds 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I feel motivated to go into a healthy diet and do a more rigorous workout every time I see these but then I smell the chorizo, frijoles and carne asada...
four songs and two rap melodies... 12 comments
How people outside of my genre see my genre 9 comments
He is quite charming 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Hours of My Life...the Japanese drama that makes me feel sad and depressed throughout every episode, but strangely, I don't happen to mind
The Onion Review of The Hunger Games 9 comments
My life will not be the same with this knowledge 43 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't want to be one of those unliked guests, but I've never seen either movie and I knew that...
North and south 43 comments
· 11 years ago
Can't talk for everyone in Texas, but as someone from SA, Y'all is very much part of my vocabulary
Wifi names visible from my apartment 12 comments
People protesting 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Congregations, and these are the scrolls that we have at our disposal, which were written before Constantine was even born. And how I can discern between Devine Word from fairy tale...well, one, not all of the writers were herders, some were Kings, others Judges, tax collectors, fishermen, priest, physician, etc. but yes, while some had had amazing education, others had not, yet, despite that and the fact that many of these books were written years, decades, centuries apart, they all maintained in harmony the same theme and purpose, nothing contradicts at any given point, and that is how I know it's not fairy tales, but rather that the Scriptures were divinely inspired by God. How else would it be possible for them scriptures to be in harmony with one another? I think I answered the questions you'd asked me...though I feel like I left some unanswered..I apologize if I did
People protesting 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Ran out of room as well...there's more I wish to add, but I want to answer that first opinion you wanted of me. First, translating a concept from one language to another doesn't mean every word being strictly translated, since no language is structured the same, something said in English, for example, can have a totally different meaning translated word by word to Spanish. It doesn't matter how you structure the words from one language to another, what truly matters is translating the concept, that must stay the same. Now, none of those original scriptures Are known to exist, BUT, Before and after the Babylonian exile, with the growth of Jewish Communities the demand for Scriptures increased, thus professional copyiests made extraordinary efforts in that the accuracy was attained in their hand written manuscripts, and Ezra was one of them. Later, followers of Christ also labored in completing the same task of reproducing the Holy Scriptures of the growing number of Christian
People protesting 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Im actually very much impressed and to answer your question, I'll further on give more detail to the senario so I can answer it as honestly as I can. Had I'd been raised as a Jew in the time that Jesus was being indentified as the Messaiah, I probably would have scoffed at the possibility of such idea, however, that would have been before having heard him teach, witness him making miracles, and most importantly, before rereading all of the prophecies that are all over the Hebrew scriptures that foretold of the Messiah and how he would be able to be identified! Now, of course, none of us can really go on based on the first two, it's impossible, but like then, the last one is totally within our reach. But going back to your question, yes, I most likely would have been reading other religious text, would I have accepted Christianity as my lifestyle and ideology? Honestly, I don't know, it would all depend how strong my love and faith for God were, on the kind of person I were.
People protesting 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Im going to base my comment on the high hopes that you have biblical knowledge. I don't want to sound like a butt, but God's view on homosexuality is clear in 1 Corinthians 6:9,10, which is in the New Testament ;) BUT YOU'RE RIGHT! Who the heck do we are to think we can judge other's way of life? That right belongs to God, and God only. However, many of us don't hate homosexuals, in fact we might get along with them pretty well in school or work, we simply don't agree with their lifestyle, in accordance to God's view. And the Old and New Testament compliment each other, because even though the Mosaic Law was directed to the nation of Israel and Christians don't abide to it, it allows us to better understand God's views on many things because how could he go from completely detesting a lifestyle to being okay with it? Doesn't add up to what Malachi 3:6 or Hebrews 6:17,18 say
Cried myself to sleep... 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Why the fuck did you do that for?! You do NOT show a scene like that and just cut it off right before they reach each other! Where is your humanity?!
Disney Faceswaps 20 comments
Miley Cyrus was performing on stage (real reaction) 33 comments
· 11 years ago
That's not really for Miley though...that expression was for Lady Gagas performance...
When I jump in the water 10 comments
You be the judge 6 comments
Forget waldo 14 comments
Amen. 14 comments
· 11 years ago
No! It ain't struggling until this happens to you while out running! What was your only line of sanity and refuge is now stripped from you as it isn't the same with only one bud and now you're miserable all round because now you have to run AND do so with no music
The US and its geography 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Finally! Ive been wondering my whole life if Texas was West or South or Southwest...but I'm still just going to answer with "Texas" should be its own region! Like Florida...but better!
My best friend whenever I see a cute guy... 6 comments
No idea why americans are fat 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Pft! It isn't just about what you eat. I LOVE eat junk food, yet I exercise. So it's about moving around too
Albert knows what life is all about 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Hahaha! My friends are pretty much Davids while Im completely on the same page there with Albert xD
90s 33 comments
· 11 years ago
the memories!! i still have my timagotchi! owning one of those back in elementary defined whether you were "cool" or not. lol those were the good old days
Comrades on the road, I salute you all 2 comments
· 11 years ago
YES! that was me today on the freeway. the other dude and i did this "mission accomplished" nod as we drove away :D
Puberty, you're doing it right...In an..Uh..Animation? 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh my god, I was worried that I was the only one who thought this!! Cartoon is hit by puberty and becomes hot...oi
Can anyone verify this? 36 comments
RIP Cory Monteith D': 50 comments
· 11 years ago
i feel bad for what my first thought was when confirming this..."dang it! He died before I could finish watching Monte Carlo!"...oops
Awesome pools 10 comments
Aladdin and Titanic are pretty much the same movie 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Every time I watch Titanic I come to the same conclusion: Jack freezes to death because of Rose. Now, no, she couldnt have just scooted over, in fact, they did try for him to get on the door as well but it started tipping over and that's why he didnt. HOWEVER, how hard could've been for Rose to let Jack have a turn on the door? I mean, c'mon, every thirty minutes trading off would've kept the both alive. Plus, the moving around would've kept the blood pumping, good for the circulation. it's technically both of their faults...unless Rose wanted him gone because she didn't really love him....
I quit 12 comments
· 11 years ago
First the Beatles and now the Ramones...who will they go after next? The Rolling Stones?
When you really need to know 15 comments