It only takes a few little changes 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Is it just me or did the guy on the far right become super attractive? And the guy who got the fedora?
Guess the fandom 20 comments
Wait, WHAT!? 18 comments
· 9 years ago
There were episodes where Jesse reminisced on her school days, meaning she has already gone through that. Plus the special team rocket training, and the time between that and meeting ash (and James before that) she has to be 20 something. Therefore, James should be as well.
Same Joss. Same. 5 comments
A helmetless Daft Punk, circa 90s 4 comments
Teenagers snort grandfathers ashes 8 comments
· 9 years ago
The real question I have, is: Why was he apparently brought into jail or something? (assuming the pic is a mug shot of some sort)
Boris is love 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm with ladyofshallot, I'm so lost... The creepy comments source never gets explained
"I told you she wouldn't have a boyfriend!" 18 comments
Who's your favorite band member? 27 comments
In case you haven't seen this masterpiece yet 23 comments
· 9 years ago
And don't be mistaken, good people, this majestic human has a heavenly voice when not drunk as fuck... This gorgeous human is from Panic! At the Disco
*glances over at Angel Beats* 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Free! Iwatobi High School FTW!!!! (awesome anime btw, sports anime about swimming, not actually about gay romance but the cast is only dudes so lol, two seasons, 25 total episodes, amazing voice acting, they can all sing, the animation is gorgeous...i could go on and on XD) PLEASE WATCH! JOIN THE FREE!DOM
Free! Iwatobi High School FTW!!!! (awesome anime btw, sports anime about swimming, not actually about gay romance but the cast is only dudes so lol, two seasons, 25 total episodes, amazing voice acting, they can all sing, the animation is gorgeous...i could go on and on XD) PLEASE WATCH! JOIN THE FREE!DOM
and gettin BZAYYY 5 comments
Funsubstance Library 41 comments
Puberty hit Sam Smith like a train 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Not that I dont think you have the right to that opinion, because you do, but are you aware that we're taking about Sam smith? He's not fat.... Hardly even chubby... Look pics of him up.
The Lobby is free! !! 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Zack and Cody still hot tho... They were totally my baes!!! XD I was like, 5, and convinced I was in love....
I hope this post gives you hell 11 comments
He looks so chill 9 comments
Finally 24 comments
· 9 years ago
They were an extremely popular series of books. I was like 7 at the time and didn't bother, but id heard they were very good.
Check m8 atheists 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Wow guys -_- the mention of atheism wasn't supposed to make sense in relation to the post...thats the humor....
Tibetian Fox. Looks always disappointed 14 comments
Stay strong brother 5 comments
But mom, This is Gospel! 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, I just got into them over the last month, already knowing that they'd broken up. Now I'll never have even a chance to see them unless they get back together ;-;
Well, I just got into them over the last month, already knowing that they'd broken up. Now I'll never have even a chance to see them unless they get back together ;-;
Great. Can't wait 20 comments
This photo negative drawing 6 comments
· 10 years ago
He's adorable! Lil cutie patootie :3 but what's with people and Marilyn Monroe? What makes her so famous with us still?
People and their priorities 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Well if he did that he may be able to actually help the girls try and not be strippers anymore.
Sexiest gif on the entire Internet 46 comments
· 10 years ago
You know who's really hot? Douglas Booth, and Taron Egerton. You're welcome. *tips hat*
Fair enough 17 comments
thats what should happen to bullies! 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Just think... What kind of contribution in any way, shape, or form did you just make to these comments that was REALLY necessary? Just because you don't like the music or it's not your genre doesn't mean you need to hate it. Opinions and preferences are great but no need to insult it because its not your thing. Also, I think the point of the music was to be a pun for when the kid being bullied threw the other's body on the ground.
The watch pocket 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually not surprisingly, I have Black Butler pocket watch that fits in all the watch pockets on my shorts and skinny jeans. They hardly look it, but the pockets actually do work :P