"is you against abortion because you yourself were aborted?" 32 comments
· 10 years ago
No it bothers me soooo much when people say a fetus isn't a baby. OF COURSE IT'S A BABY!!! Just because you call it a fetus doesn't mean it's not a living thing with a life and when you say it's a fetus not a baby doesn't mean it's not murder. That's like killing a puppy and saying oh it's not a baby it doesn't look like a baby so it's ok. NO!! It's still murder and just because you made a mistake does NOT mean you can sweep it all under the rug and kill a living person. Oh but it's my body you say well you went out and got pregnant with your body you reap what you sow people. If you kill that tiny innocent creature just because you can't control your body, or you forgot to use a condom, don't take it out on the sweet little baby. You may think that it's an easy solution to say, oh it's my body, oh it's not even a baby it's a fetus, I can't handle this kind of responsibility, but no if you can't control yourself enough to not get pregnant then you aren't a very good owner of your body.