
What happened to us 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Back in the days we did not have What's App and Facebook messenger to chat with people. We used a great thing called MSN messenger. We all had terrible user names and it took up to an hour to send your friend one song. We could see when someone was online (though sometimes they had already logged out and were still shown as online) and when we wrote them and they did not answer we could use the buzz or nudge function to get their attention. It could be that their messenger would shake wildly or they hear a sound everytime you buzz them. That was all fun and games until someone did this to you :P
Point of the story is (I think): It's pretty annoying that people nowadays always now exactly that you read their message and you can't really ignore answering them for a few days. But ten years ago you could ignore the shit out of people and they would buzz the shit put of you