Ideal Body Types Throughout History- makes you stop and think for a second [NSFW-ish] 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Women set their own beauty standards, I can tell a woman made this video since no man cares or notices a 'thigh gap'. The only thigh gap we are concerned with is when we spread those legs. Out of the two sexes, which considers everything to be cute? That's a cute kitchen, those shoes are cute, Shea's got such a cute thigh gap. All it takes to set a standard is have one woman rock something with confidence, then a few others (naturally jealous) to chase after what she's got. Same reason a man in a relationship has his available action increase, it's like they can tell hes with someone and they think 'I want whatever he's giving her'.
Loving this weather 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Me too! For some reason it just snowed. Weird. Haha on the radio it was talking if people should start getting snow tires. I love near Memorial, so they cleaned up the snow quickly