Trix 23 comments
Russell Brand on inequality 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Well-spoken? Have you actually listened to anything this clown actually says? Most of what he says is mundane whining obscured by unnecessarily big words, double talk, and pseudo-intellectual nonsense. More than a few times he's degenerated into incoherent babbling when pressed about something he just said.
Job hunting in the software industry 7 comments
· 10 years ago
It's so foreign companies can claim no qualified U.S. workers are available. The companies then fill the positions with low pay slave labor from their country. It's pretty common in the tech industry.
It's the pit bull's single-minded tenacity when attacking that makes them dangerous. Things that would distract or deter any other dog from an attack (kicking, punching, stabbing, hitting with sticks) won't even phase a pit bull. Like it or not, it's in their nature.