I'm sort of confused with all the feminism hate? some feminists are awesome. 34 comments
· 10 years ago
flamingduckballs, you have got it all wrong. Those people you are talking about are absolutely not feminists! They claim to be but they are not i can assure you. Feminism is about men and women working together to free each other of inequality. I recommend watching Emma Watson UN speech. Thos people who are stuck up man haters are not feminists. They just stole the name and sadly gave feminism a bad rep. The speech explains feminism beautifully. Look it up:)
I'm sort of confused with all the feminism hate? some feminists are awesome. 34 comments
· 10 years ago
also i am not the same guest as the one talking about religion,race and all that. Feminism is about men and women working together and freeing each other of stereotypes and inequality.
I'm sort of confused with all the feminism hate? some feminists are awesome. 34 comments
· 10 years ago
btw don't say "some feminists are awesome" that doesn't make sense. Your'e either a feminists or not. If your a feminist that's great you support equality. If you aren't and claim to be well you aren't a feminist at all and you are against equality and/or a man hater.
I'm sort of confused with all the feminism hate? some feminists are awesome. 34 comments
· 10 years ago
darksnow is correct. It should of said "make yourself a sandwich" instead of "No, you make me a sandwich" This is because feminism is about equality of both men and women not women swapping stereotypes with men.
I'm sort of confused with all the feminism hate? some feminists are awesome. 34 comments
· 10 years ago
Feminism is about equality of both men and woman. Perhaps the person who made this could of put some photos of the men that support feminism instead of just women. Just saying. I am a feminist as you can see.