
I heard you like Tigers... 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
White tigers should not be supported, they are the same as Bengal Tigers, with a genetic mutation that causes the strange pigmentation. People were obviously infatuated with the mutation, but because it's so rare they could only achieve more white bengals through inbreeding. It's common for father/daughter, brother/sister etc to be bred together (especially when they were trying to establish the breed), which results in incredible defects and reduction of quality of life. Do not support the white Bengal, funding should go to the genetically sound, endangered bengals.
What happens to our food 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Take it from another farmer, organic doesn't mean 'no chemicals', organic food gets sprayed with chemicals that are made from 'natural' chemicals, not refined tested synthetic ones. The 'natural' chemicals also happen to be worse than the synthetic ones, and are quite often carcinogenic. So don't try to ruin conventional farmers over some propaganda bullshit on the internet.
Fur haters 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Nah, no breed of cattle is made solely for their leather. Certainly some breeds (Texas Longhorn for example) are bred for their unique patterning which will go on to make more expensive sides of leather, but the meat will still be utilised too, so it's not like the animal is going to waste just for fashion. Leather is also used for many, many practical things, not just fashion.
DRAGON 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It is real, they're called an Armadillo Lizard or Armadillo Girdled Lizard. Native to South Africa. Before you decide on owning one, consider this: Armadillo Lizards are now listed as vulnerable in the wild as they have been over-collected for the pet trade. Make sure you buy from a reputable BREEDER, not a collector.
Poor guy 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Chickens can be cannibalistic, they will eat chicken meat. People need to remember that animals can be just as cut-throat as people can, get over it, and just eat some meat like we're meant to.