French policeman shoots suicidal man to save his life 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I know it was the only way to save his life, but could you imagine being that guy, about to commit suicide and you get shot in the leg? Just when you think life can't get worse, you get shot in the leg.
Dear lord 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Cause they're getting chopped in half, wouldn't you scream if you were in the same situation?
Soccer in a nutshell 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Basketball is probably the 2nd most popular sport in the US and while it's not as fast paced as soccer, it's pretty continuous. I doubt attention span has anything to do with it, soccer to most people here is just boring, why do people get offended when Americans say that?
when something is more dangerous than a crime. 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I can't believe I didn't realize that was Eli Manning until I saw it on TV. Him and his brother have an awkward and cheesy sense of humor, but they make me laugh.
If you die alone at home, your pets will eat you 30 comments
· 10 years ago
Happened to a woman that lived near me. Her husband was on a business trip or something and she died and their three dogs ate her. Weirdest part is her husband kept the dogs.
A lot of hassle for nothing really 11 comments