A left-handed student wrote this with her right hand 24 comments
· 9 years ago
this is typed... it's a font, every letter a,e h, they are all exactly the same height and identical..
Oh Canada, you never cease to amaze me 13 comments
Ben stiller feeding homeless people 34 comments
LEAKED photo from the set of Jurassic World 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Could be an actor, they put green sceen on phones so they can project an image on it
Who's the bigger betrayer 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Well the guy didn't jump because obviously he looked over and saw that she was wearing a gigantic parachute.
Both difficult 20 comments
I think the second one is the better deterrent. 43 comments
· 10 years ago
Robber: "Oh hello sir, I will be robbing your house to day"
Responsible gun owner: "Well no sir you can not, now you wait here while I go unlock my safe"
Robber: "oh well okay then I will wait"
Responsible gun owner: "Dear wife, did you change the code, we are being robbed and I need my gun"
Wife: "yes sorry dear, the kids figured out your code so I had to change it"
Responsible gun owner: "cheerio thanks"
Robber: "oh man I'm sorry, you have a gun, I shall leave."
Responsible gun owner: "Have a great night"
Responsible gun owner: "Well no sir you can not, now you wait here while I go unlock my safe"
Robber: "oh well okay then I will wait"
Responsible gun owner: "Dear wife, did you change the code, we are being robbed and I need my gun"
Wife: "yes sorry dear, the kids figured out your code so I had to change it"
Responsible gun owner: "cheerio thanks"
Robber: "oh man I'm sorry, you have a gun, I shall leave."
Responsible gun owner: "Have a great night"
Every canadian knows 17 comments
· 10 years ago
We also burned down the white house, and our JTF2 was there when bin laden was killed. We just don't have an obsessive need to say how awesome we are.
You know what they're called? 8 comments
Random act of kindness 6 comments
Wait, why are we not funding this? 24 comments
iPhone Cookies 14 comments
· 10 years ago
According to Liedtke's Twitter account, he did get a police officer to pull him over, who was "confused and angry" when he realized the "iPhone" was in fact a cookie.
But the comedian's plan was derailed when the officer discovered there was a warrant out to arrest Liedtke for unpaid parking tickets. About ten hours after being pulled over, Liedtke admitted defeat:
But the comedian's plan was derailed when the officer discovered there was a warrant out to arrest Liedtke for unpaid parking tickets. About ten hours after being pulled over, Liedtke admitted defeat:
Awesome shot of a whale underwater 6 comments