When cashiers do this 10 comments
· 9 years ago
I've sometimes put the change on the counter instead of the hand because I'm trying to multi-task. I know where the counter is, I'm not always sure where your hand is going to be. I may not even be facing near you or focused on you. As a cashier, we have allot to handle and we're supposed to do it in as little time as possible. We're not being rude or inconsiderate, we're just being fast & efficient. Sorry it offends you.
Denmark people are happy 32 comments
· 9 years ago
Don't forget, they're always only 350 miles from ANY beach & ocean around Europe. And they can ride the train to anywhere in Europe. My brother was there for 3 years in college. On his 3 day weekends, he'd pack a bag then go to sleep on a train. Where ever he woke up is where he had his "vacation." So I was always getting e-mails like "So, hey, I'm like in France right now. Here's a picture of something cool."
Fritz can't catch a damn thing 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not sure if I pitty this dog or think its smart. The dog keeps just missing it, over compensating, so it hits its neck most times. Makes me wonder if there's something wrong with his eyes/depth perception. OR the dog knows the day he catches it, the game's over and his master will stop throwing food to amuse himself.
We need to protect the rhinoceros 49 comments
· 9 years ago
You can buy a wife for you dead son. They sell you a woman, marry her to your departed one, then KILL her to bury her with the son so he's not dishonored. WTF?!?
And you can easily sell your daughter.
Asians value sons over daughters so much that there is negative female growth. Many women are being trafficked into areas for slave wives and prostitutes.
Elephants, Rhinos, Tigers, Black Bears, Musk Deer, Sea Horses and many animals are endangered b/c of the Asian markets- traditional & black.
And you can easily sell your daughter.
Asians value sons over daughters so much that there is negative female growth. Many women are being trafficked into areas for slave wives and prostitutes.
Elephants, Rhinos, Tigers, Black Bears, Musk Deer, Sea Horses and many animals are endangered b/c of the Asian markets- traditional & black.
We need to protect the rhinoceros 49 comments
· 9 years ago
So in the arguments you're talking about if up-votes matter. But the real tragedy is that the underground Asian market has destroyed many animals and is threatening to destroy more. Like the elephant. Their tusks- ivory are valued in medicine and items for status. An African country just set 14 tons of ivory on fire b/c they'd rather have the elephants then even consider selling the tusks recovered from poachers to help their country. And all that ivory was in demand by Asian markets!?!?!
They also have a practice where they put fish & turtles & other aquatic life into key chains of colored water. This mean the little animal starves & suffocates to death. For a key chain. I like Asian culture and respect their contributions to the world and everything but they're FUCKED up. And if you think it doesn't affect us, the human slave trade- buying & selling of humans is VERY strong in Asia.
They also have a practice where they put fish & turtles & other aquatic life into key chains of colored water. This mean the little animal starves & suffocates to death. For a key chain. I like Asian culture and respect their contributions to the world and everything but they're FUCKED up. And if you think it doesn't affect us, the human slave trade- buying & selling of humans is VERY strong in Asia.
I need a friend like this :/ 25 comments
· 9 years ago
and is that Sugar, we're going down? cause then its misplaced. Otherwise it looks wrong.
Animals are wonderful 19 comments
· 9 years ago
What is he doing? It looks like he thought he was playing with an animal but realized it was a stuffed toy or something.
Am I going to Hell? Yeah, probably 174 comments
· 9 years ago
Nearly all of the USA has "Safe Haven" laws, where you can leave a new born baby at a hospital, police station, fire department, ect & the baby is taken care of without the mother having to do anything. pedia.or g/w iki/Safe-h aven_law
7 pedia.or g/w iki/Safe-h aven_law
Why you should stop smoking 10 comments
· 9 years ago
He's probably cleaning the wall with TSP- tri sodium phosphate. It will take ANYTHING off. grease, tar, your flesh... I use that to clean walls b/f repainting them while working at my part time construction company.
As a good looking guy, this is very frustrating 5 comments
· 9 years ago
The Mentalist episode. "Ladies in Red" (2008) Season 1 episode 4
Jane and Cho discuss with Rigsby his obvious feelings for Van Pelt, and Jane thinks all one needs to do to seduce a woman is show her "love and affection."
Jane and Cho discuss with Rigsby his obvious feelings for Van Pelt, and Jane thinks all one needs to do to seduce a woman is show her "love and affection."
As a good looking guy, this is very frustrating 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I remember an episode of the Mentalist. The people are teasing Jayne & wondering if he could get a woman to fall in love with him. And he says its easy. All you have to do is listen and respond. It ends up the woman the others wanted him to impress was the killer and the killer was all "Save me Patrick Jayne!"
Right now, Hollywood isn't making a movie about a Super Heroine not b/c its not in the budget but b/c they don't know how to make one that doesn't come off as soft core porn or something. Women are allot like men... once you realize they have allot on their mind. They multi-task and aren't always thinking about sex. Men are simple. They like to focus on one thing at a time and think about sex allot.
Some one explained it to me like the Yin- Yang. Yang is men & their "brain/ thought/ focus" is through their penis. (Picture it like a hand reaching out to grab and connect with others.) While the Yin is woman and their 'hand' is reaching out thru their heart chakra.
Right now, Hollywood isn't making a movie about a Super Heroine not b/c its not in the budget but b/c they don't know how to make one that doesn't come off as soft core porn or something. Women are allot like men... once you realize they have allot on their mind. They multi-task and aren't always thinking about sex. Men are simple. They like to focus on one thing at a time and think about sex allot.
Some one explained it to me like the Yin- Yang. Yang is men & their "brain/ thought/ focus" is through their penis. (Picture it like a hand reaching out to grab and connect with others.) While the Yin is woman and their 'hand' is reaching out thru their heart chakra.
gun 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I love this scene. Christopher Walker was great and the fact that he didn't raise his hands... that would be so me. Not b/c I'm a bad-ass but b/c I'm that lazy.
Heroes in movies and IRL 15 comments
Todays google update St pats day :) 9 comments
The Black Sheep 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I think the Pink sheep is opposite of fucked. As in, if she gets in any trouble or has any problems, her surrounding black sheep are there to totally beat down and shit on any trouble or guy who messes with her. I'd like to be the pink sheep but I'm the odd one they keep in the kennel out back, wondering if they should shoot it yet.
Oh my Jesus 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, but there is that whole Jesus & sex thing.
My favorite head cannon of Captain Jack Harkness isn't that he flirts with the Queen of England- its that she flirts *back.*
My favorite head cannon of Captain Jack Harkness isn't that he flirts with the Queen of England- its that she flirts *back.*
That feel 7 comments
· 9 years ago
That's too much tooth paste. If it starts foaming so much you have to spit it out several times, you're using too much. Instructions say Small Pea size. Commercials use so much to make it easier to see. Its the same way with cleaning products. They spray then wipe b/c of time restraints. If you spray and take a minute, it'll work better.
Good governance 15 comments
· 10 years ago
One thing the employees forget is that if you give money to school & make good schools PEOPLE WILL MOVE THERE and create jobs. My brother is looking to buy a house and the FIRST thing he does is look at the school. If the school isn't good, he doesn't even consider the area. I know quite a few people like that. Not a good school- they don't move to the area. So no workers or job growth people. Area dies.
Yes, when will she get a movie 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I can imagine Black Widow cleaning her gutters. It doesn't involve ladders, rope, or buckets that any sane person would use. She'd probably do some awesome, death defying moves and use weapons to make the leaves move themselves.
Having two daughters 13 comments
· 10 years ago
If you switch the pink doll and the I love You bear on the first step, you can climb that set of stairs without disturbing them by holding onto the rail and stepping lightly. And that's probably just what you did b/c those two little bitches have you wrapped around their fingers.
But false facts tell good stories 42 comments
· 10 years ago
If you want to see the great wall of China from space... TRY GOOGLE EARTH! I could not.
The best an*logy ever 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Humans are NOT like M&M. And the "wrapping" or skin makes a huge difference. Otherwise why would different ethnicity need different skin & hair products. And we also smell different. I -literally- cannot stand the smell of an African American. Really, I can't. I was a missionary in the Congo as a child but African American males smell *SO* different and I can't stand it.
Had to Put it to a Picture. 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Really, people? This is about as useful as "The Dress" meme. An utterly tired and stupid meme that needs to gently retire and never to be heard from again.
lol 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I once introduced myself as "Fruit cake." I didn't even realize I'd done it till a minute later when my friends started laughing.
What blacks think 86 comments
· 10 years ago
I hate that I'm racist but I've had the crap beat out of me by too many Mexican males for me to feel comfortable around them. And blacks are so loud & sometimes obnoxious. I've gone out to dinner with my family and can't hear my brother next to me but can hear the conversation of a black group celebrating all the way across the restaurant. I found it disturbing my good meal. And then blacks are so casual. I had a job where my office neighbors were high priced lawyers & international business persons handling several billions of dollars of stuff. I'm talking hand tailored suits & I got a 150$ reward for finding a ring a woman left in the bathroom. My co-worker, in the 8 months I worked with her, I could tell you what color her underwear was- bra & panties- every day. I even started keeping a record. She looked like she was going to work as a street walker after she was done at the office. Not professional at all.
What blacks think 86 comments
· 10 years ago
There are lots of differences between whites & blacks. First, their skin type is different. So they often use different type body & hair products. I find most of these stink to me. But then some of the "white" stuff stinks to me too but the black hair grease makes me gag. Second, blacks have a different vocal/nasal shape. Their words sound different. Some words they can't even say properly, like Tests. And blacks are relatively loud compared to whites. I can always hear a black person talk but a white person in front of me, I can't hear b/c they're so quiet. There is also lots of differences in our culture too. Subtle but there.
Nobel prize winner? 30 comments
Calm your dress 31 comments
· 10 years ago
I mean, really, 6 news shows within an hour here, that I watch, had STORIES about the dress. It was weird. I kept fast forwarding through them. And they they also had *teasers* about the dress story. I mean, really?!?!
Calm your dress 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh goodness, a real explanation why there was a question about a dress. It was bait & switch!
This guy. 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I just love fans. They come up with little stories and tidbits that are so fun & personal & happy & bring the world alive in just little bites. Pulling something from the movie and make it their own so wonderful and its just...
Head Canon Accepted.
Thank you fans!
Head Canon Accepted.
Thank you fans!
Like in American movies 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Part 2. Glow sticks in liquor bottles. Invite musicians. Guitar & ukulele people really rock. Have an open fire pit & lots of seating. Encourage sinking folk & rock songs. Have lots of trash cans around. Have lots of snack food. Buy lots and lots of baby oil. Baby oil rules, ASK FIRST, then apply. Use baby oil for the naked twister & use the lawn slope for the "water" slide. Except don't use water. Have extra towels out though. Make sure your fire extinguisher is up to code. Before any fireworks or fire breathing or fire spinning or using fire, designate the sober fire marshal person with the extinguisher. Not everyone will get drunk or want to get drunk. Some are just fun enough to be around while drunk. Reward your sober DD with some kind of treat or something. And remember the big, giant dick. While the Man Rammer covered in chocolate gnocchi was fun, it kept melting. The inflatable Tiki Penis worked the best. Have a bucket of condoms but they can't use it on property.
Like in American movies 32 comments
· 10 years ago
I've been to a few. Here are some pieces of advice. Get an extra bathroom. Rope in your neighbor if you have to but it pays to have two potties. There is nothing worse then having only 1 potty and not enough toilet paper. Hide your money & jewelry & valuables in the trunk of your car and lock it. It won't grow legs. Require guests to bring 1 drink. The parties aren't as much fun if there isn't enough liquor. Have extra blankets & sheets out. All of them. Remember to roll the idiots on their sides and put the blanket over them. Have a place to put keys & cell phones up. Nothing like drunk drivers or foolish face book posts to make that party go wrong. Play good music in one room but not so loud you blow your speakers or you can't hear yourself think. Have board/card games. There is nothing like having drunk people playing Disney Princess Monopoly. It is the bomb. Seriously. Have an out door or semi-outdoor smoking area with good sturdy butt cans. see pt 2
huh? 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Batman knits.
So those who think knitting and crocheting is unmanly are wrong. In fact, most WWI vets knew how to knit. So join us. Its a great way to meet woman & keep your hands nimble and flexible. <lascivious smile>
So those who think knitting and crocheting is unmanly are wrong. In fact, most WWI vets knew how to knit. So join us. Its a great way to meet woman & keep your hands nimble and flexible. <lascivious smile>
Amen 71 comments
· 10 years ago
Many people compare weight loss to alcohol addiction. The big thing between Over-eaters Anonymous & AA (alcohol anonymous) is that alcohol can be quit cold turkey. Some don't touch it for 10 years & get their chip. With OEA, you have to face food several times a day. You can't just quit food. And same with gay. You can stop having sex but you can't stop having food. It just gets harder with people inviting you out to events & parties & having commitments and good food takes time & energy. Loosing weight is so hard and complex and while we try, its a daily- heck, hourly struggle that goes on for years. Unlike sex or alcohol where if you pass a 30 day mark, it get so much easier.
Amen 71 comments
Too funny 16 comments
· 10 years ago
I hardly ever vote. But i'm going to down vote and down vote any mention of that fraken dress. It Must DIE.
After ranting about a shirt that was worn by a guy who landed a probe on a comet 57 comments
· 10 years ago
Nope. I think its b/c 50 Shades always shown itself to be a trashy romance novel, like Harliquinn series etc. But this respectable and upstanding doctor had on an ugly shirt. And I think its double standard stuff too.
Genesee equality 14 comments
· 10 years ago
As for putting down the seat, there is always hair and spatter and ickiness on the bowl rim. We Do NOT Want To See That! So put down the lid. Its gross. And guys, if you CLEAN the toilet once in a while, like wipe it down b/f your shower, believe me, you get allot of "wife" or "girlfriend" points. I know many girls who would prefer that then getting flowers. Really. I'm serious.
Genesee equality 14 comments
· 10 years ago
In feng shui, your supposed to cover your drains. So I put the toilet *lid* down too. The boyfriend who lasted the longest put down the lid. And having the lid down looks more cultured.
We Don't Talk About This 71 comments
· 10 years ago
It was the most successful genocide in history, not worst. Since there aren't enough Native Americans to remember & complain.
the secret life of superhero toys 33 comments
· 10 years ago
These pics are pretty neat but I wish they were bigger. You can't tell whats going on in some. Must Google....
The feels are strong with this one (RIP Judge) 43 comments
· 10 years ago
I was thinking that too. You can see it in his eyes, confusion as to what's going on. I just wish he could have had more play time. He looked pretty healthy & good in the photo. I know that people want to spare them pain but its hard to make that decision. There is another photo length of two girls finding a stray who was too sick to live and they made a happy day for him b/f taking him to be euthanize. You could see it in that dog's eyes, that he had a good day.
So annoying 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Most people use too much tooth paste. Use half the amount you think. I can make a sample tube last for months. A whole tube for a year.
Addicted to this show 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Seriously, its like they *want* us to slash them. And that's just creepy. Even though I know its a show and everything, its just *creepy* cause they're "brothers."
This went to a great place 13 comments