
Tampocalypse 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Pads and tampons were actually invented because of WW2. The cellulose bandages they used for staunching wounds was noticed by nurses and they started to use them as pads. After the war many wrote to the companies making the bandages and told them about this new use and then Kotex started making pads out of them...
Just an insight on the equality debate 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Seriously? This thought process is so out of date. Yes Aristotle was a great philosopher but not everything he said was correct. If you're referring to equality for women you have just basically said women are less and not as good as men so we shouldn't try to make the system better? Lame.
Am I going to Hell? Yeah, probably 174 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Not in any way the same as abortion. You dont abort babies you abort fetuses and zigots, both at stages where they have no nerve or brain function. Only in very special cases are late term abortions allowed. At the normal time for abortion the zigot is the size of a pea and is just a group of cells. So no....not the same. This just highlights the need for better sex education and empowering women and girls to be able to make the right choices. Wheres the family in all this? Why did this girl think this was the only option. Theres a lot more to this story than these headlines....
Am I going to Hell? Yeah, probably 174 comments
guest · 9 years ago
the sad thing is she was driven to do this? shes not evil just probably thought she had no choice, poor thing she should have been able to get the help she needed. makes me wonder why she was not able to got to her parents......
Preach it, Sister! 26 comments
guest · 9 years ago
im so done with this sight and its misrepresentation of feminism, womanising and backslapping morons that high five when you use the word feminazi. For anyone that think this is feminism, do some research. For all the dudes shoving this shit everywhere, feminism....real feminism is here to stay and if you want to have successful relationships be it friends or other with women you should get your attitudes in check cause any woman whose worth a damn if a feminist whether they call themselves that or not.
The ultimate snuggles 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I have no problem with this :)
Brave woman 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
why does it matter her hair colour. So sick of blond jokes....
The real overly attached girlfriend! 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Not all german soldiers were Nazies. Alot of them were against the war but were forced into service.
Mugabe plx 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
genocidal dictator.
Kitty before and after adoption 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
who the fuck dumps a kitten, honestly there must be a shortage of souls....
This one is a problem solver 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
more like a CATraption!! am I right !......*sigh*
So... What now? 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Ok well maybe someone paid the guys who wrote the bible to make god a dude? Also he's a priest isn't he supposed to never lie? Are you saying that one of the men who is supposed to be holy and commune with god is a liar who takes bribes?
What sick bastard made this? 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Sexiest gif on the entire Internet 46 comments
guest · 9 years ago
oh brando!
Fair enough 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
bad ass brows
Typical alan 1 comments
guest · 9 years ago
what a dapper little gentleman, i will extend an invitation to the manor this instant.
Truth 65 comments
guest · 9 years ago
if the animal is raised in a healthy environment with a good life then killed quickly and humanely i see no problem with eating meat. Humans these days eat too much meat and should cut back as this would be beneficial for our health and the environment but to say eating meat is bad is wrong, eating unethical meat like battery chickens and sow stall pigs is terrible, but to eat a well raised and killed animal is natural. This is a former vegan talking here. We should be eating sustainable meat that causes low impact on its environment.
What blacks think 86 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Oh its so simple, gosh those silly black people making a big deal out of nothing....seriously this post can suck a bag of dicks.
Steve Buscemi 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
what a guy!
A good thing came out of the dress debate 23 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yes better make sure we bring it back to the men, because we couldnt have a conversation about an issue without men being involved. Right now this isnt about them its about the the women who are being killed and families being destroyed by a male lead epidemic of abuse. Domestic violence is an issue for everyone and everyone should live in safety. However men already have a huge voice in this world, women are being killed, tortured and degraded on a far larger scale therefor we need to focus on them particularly. Not every campaign needs to include men, You don't see people up in arms about environmental campaigns featuring panda bears and saying "HAY WHALES GOT IT BAD ALSO PUT IN A BUNCH OF WHALES".
A good thing came out of the dress debate 23 comments
guest · 9 years ago
felixo77 thats a bullshit sight with an un quantified figure. The truth is 89% of abusers are men, be it in a hetrosexual or homosexula ralationship. In Australia 1.5 women DIE each week due to domestic violence and 95% of the perpetrators are male in, the number of men who died due to domestic violence last year was 0........... Yes domestic violence should be stopped in all its forms but it is a worldwide issue that men are the leading perpetrators of violence and this needs to be addressed. It might not be something people like to hear but its the truth that keeps getting proven time and time again.
Use Protection 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Condoms protect you against HIV and other STDS, they aren't perfect with a rate of 76-99% but its better than nothing. The best thing is to get regularly tested, use multiple forms of protection and talk with your sexual partners before sex about their sexual history.
Use Protection 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
By certain activities do you mean sex? Anyone can get AIDS and HIV if you are having sex, gay straight or in between AIDS and HIV affects us all and the more people who take charge and wear the right protection the better chance we have of stopping it.
Goblin shark!! 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This is not true, around 30 goblin sharks are caught every year off the coasts of Japan. It is a rare sight and does live in deep waters but many have been spotted and caught.
Magical probably 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Scientist say the space smells like charred meat and welded metal. Astronauts have said their equipment smells like this after coming in from working on their hulls in space. This may be due to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) the are emitted when stars are formed. If you go to a cloud near the centre of the milky way called Sagittarius B2 you could smell raspberries and rum as it is jampacked with ethyl formate which gives raspberries and rum their flavour.
First trip to the beach? That's golden! 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
aaahh my freaking heart1
Man turns blue after consuming silver as medicine 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
hes taking colloidal silver for a skin condition, its cleared up a very painful problem and he'd rather be blue then be in pain.
I Don't Mind Straight People 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
its basically satirical, people say "i don't mind gay people as long as their not gay near me" all the time, so its flipping it back on the kind of ppl who say this.
Suck my ass! 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I personally think it was rude of the lady to go up to that child and make a value judgement, maybe its a lesson to the adult to keep you silly opinions to yourself, no one lies a busy body and no one should tell anyone how to dress.
Just a bro's thing 53 comments
guest · 10 years ago
OK so #4 this shit is also a cop out for when you work with a group of guys and they think its fun to belittle, exclude and degrade you because you're the only woman, groups of people, be it men together or women together take time to bond, but being a group of dicks is just another form of boys club bullshit and no i wont just play along ( i get that this is meant to be light hearted but a lot of guys talk their "tomfoolery sexist bullshit" as just a bit of fun so we should lighten up). I think most of this list applies to women aswell, so instead of building a guide of how to understand Men/Women (like where some kind of alien race meeting for the first time) maybe we should be working on a list of just how to be a decent human....full bros or hoes..just basic how to rock at being a rad human being to other human beings.
Probaby the best pope ever 60 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Are you kidding, people are killed daily because of being homosexual. There are places where its against the law and if you are found out they execute you.
Probaby the best pope ever 60 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Holirific you are a moron, Ive seen your comments before and they all relate to religion, you hide behind your "faith' and 'Belief' touting them as knowledge when all you are is ignorant and stubborn. Go do some research yourself and improve your intellect rather than spouting religious rhetoric on social media as a means to validate your small mindedness. There is no learning with you just repetitive lies and religious jargon. You are boring, willful, and worst of all, too full of pride to take consideration of others. You give religion a bad name.
So annoying 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
blerg, this grosses me out fat too much.
The Hypocrite Diaries 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
lame post, one doesn't cancel the other.
Jimmy could've dated Nicole Kidman 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
this is hilarious! i can feel the cringe.
The Ebola virus wiped out every mother from the village of Joeblow, Liberia 32 comments
guest · 10 years ago
sadly this story is true, those poor children.