
Medical Science FTW 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Wait!!! This is hilarious! So in other words everyone approves of messing with Mother Nature. Number one the diseases are only spread by the government. I know the medical billing cycle very well. And know that they make millions from lying and saying that vaccines are safe. They paid doctors to give you that little "smart" definition of everything they are supposed to do. It's sounds like a chemical shitload. Now let's take it to the core of the problem! There's levels to this. Take out the "science" of it. And go to obvious facts. That even our ancestors we were smart enough to know this. The moment we are born we are given our vaccines. From our mothers. Oh for the ignorant if you did not know. We have breast milk. Our number one vaccine!!!!!! Look it up it's in your face! Anyways! That is the NATURAL way to build your immune system. With other factors. . How does it make sense that because we have built an environment unsuitable for our current evolvement as human beings. We want