
Turbine interchange Jacksonville 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The more common layout is the clover design.
The girl was blackmailing him for money 30 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It says the girl was trying to blackmail him, how did you jump to the insane conclusion of femnazis?
Behold the terrifying pitbull 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
There are a lot of dogs in my neighborhood and about 85% are pitbulls. I was riding my bike home and a dog attacked me, going straight for my hand and luckily got a mouthful of brake handle, but it's teeth scraped hard against my gloved knuckles. The dog was on a leash next to it's owner and I got off my bike and told the fucking bitch that if I ever SAW her dog again, I would kill it and call the cops on her for owning an aggressive dog. I never saw the dog again. Did I mention 85% of the dogs around here are pit bulls? Did I also mention that the only dog to ever attack me was a golden retriever? It's the owner's fault that the dog is violent, not the breed's.