Comments 52 comments
guest · 9 years ago
My dad has hurt me a lot in the past as well as my brother. But, he's starting to get better. He has a hard time changing though, and he always puts his own problems on us. I shouldn't be mad though, he takes care of us. Im sorry for anyone who has a father that has hurt them and has never really loved them. I used to feel the same when my dad put his girlfriend before his own children. He beat my brother in front of me to. I couldn't do much since i was so small. He even blamed us for his depression and his break up and threatened to kill himself because of us not trying hard enough to keep him and his girlfriend together. He lied to us countless times to, and i still haven't forgiven him completely, But at least he's trying to be better now. Anyway, if anyone needs to talk I'll be able to understand completely. I may not have been through as much as some of you, but I'll definitely listen.