
These are my thoughts on Valentines day 40 comments
guest · 10 years ago
the majority of people who complain are too young to even be thinking about a long relationship. It's an excuse to shower your partner with love- you have a reason to spend money on them without them feeling guilty or overwhelmed- it's just a little fun. For people who are ashamed to be single- nobody is judging you but yourself, nobody is forcing all love prospects away from you or intentionally throwing their affection for eachover down your throat. Valentine's day is about showing others you love them and the fact that it's only one day every year makes it all the more special for those who do enjoy it- don't spoil somebody's perfect day out of jealousy or spite- if you're so ashamed to be single, don't guilt people who aren't- go out and try to find somebody for yourself. Of course it takes time, of course it takes effort- but if it means so much to not be alone, it should be worth it.
These are my thoughts on Valentines day 40 comments
guest · 10 years ago
everybody thinks this way until they get a boyfriend/girlfriend. then their opinion magically changes.
Not many people realize this, but it's true 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And iiii honestly hated her