Where's the fire? 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm convinced this is fake, but not for the obvious few reasons. It's because no woman would be able to resist saying "AHA! I caught you." and then detail her devious scheme.
15 things about men that baffle women the most 51 comments
· 9 years ago
#3: The emotions and feeling don't get shared because the one time they were expressed to a woman after being asssured it was safe, then that got used in the next fight and/or the breakup. Then the man says to himself "never again."
Good Friend is Good 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't know of a soul that teases a fat person trying to lose weight, a skinny person trying to build up, or a weak person trying to get stronger. The only ones who get $#|+ are the ones that don't know anything but are telling others something wrong.
Bookstore Art 5 comments
· 9 years ago
This is much better art than over half thhe stuff that cities/states pay for to add "art" to public spaces.
Can't argue with that 4 comments
· 9 years ago
So let's have all the western countries wreck their economies to get from 99.9% less pollution than China to 99.95% less.
Wait, something's not right here 11 comments
I hope mine are okay I haven't fed them since I was 9 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Does anyone else see the paw print as an umlaut over the "o" and pronounce it as a long o?
Good job Craig 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Use the best method of birth control that also helps if she's under age
Use a fake name
Use a fake name
My breakfast this morning, have a nice day 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Just one egg and not two? I feel so sorry for you. That's probably not even butter, but margerine. How can you live with such deprivation?
I Miss Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends 19 comments
This is why Madison is one of my favorite founding fathers 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Pelosi fell in line with the other Dems and passed an increase in the minimum wage. But, there was an exemption for fish canneries. Pelosi said that the fish cannery companies couldn't afford to pay more to their workers. Guess whose district has all the fish canneries in it.
Support higher minimum wage or not, there are two sides to that argument, but don't force everyone other than your biggest supporters to follow one set of rules and have another set for your donors.
Support higher minimum wage or not, there are two sides to that argument, but don't force everyone other than your biggest supporters to follow one set of rules and have another set for your donors.
I blame the media 17 comments
MLK would be in tears 31 comments
· 9 years ago
The young at-risk white boys are all trying to "act Black." Or, at least what they percieve that to be...that's where the term "whiggers" comes from.
Denmark people are happy 32 comments
Basically me every day 8 comments
· 9 years ago
This one girl who ate only a part of a cucmber each day at lunch, as soon as I took her on a date.
Welcome to amsterdam visitor 20 comments
Parents 3 comments
· 9 years ago
How dare they get angry at having to ask you for the eigth time to do that. I mean, it's not like they go to work to get money to buy food plus gas to take you everywhere. Then they have the nerve to ask you to do 1% of stuff around the house? Yeah, you're gonna be such a better parent some day.
Officially moving to Helsinki... 7 comments
I am woulverine 22 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't pretend to be X-Man, I pretend to beeeee Asgard. Or sometimes SuperFriend.
We need to protect the rhinoceros 49 comments
How dutch moms take their kids to school 11 comments
· 9 years ago
No helmets? She must not love her kids. In the US, she'd be up on endangerment charges.
Seriously people!! 53 comments
· 9 years ago
The fangirls can't do anything about the plane crash, but they CAN feel better about 1D by commiserating with fellow fans.
If you really want shallow, double check all your first world complaints about having to go to school or work for money to put gas in your car or can't find free wifi in favor of people who would love to be able to go to school, have a job, have a car...or gosh, the fact that people die from war and starvation all the tim, and all we can do is criticize someone else's criticism on an internet humor site.
If you really want shallow, double check all your first world complaints about having to go to school or work for money to put gas in your car or can't find free wifi in favor of people who would love to be able to go to school, have a job, have a car...or gosh, the fact that people die from war and starvation all the tim, and all we can do is criticize someone else's criticism on an internet humor site.
You're just a nobody they said 34 comments
· 9 years ago
One guy out of 10,000 becomes succcessful, thus disproving the people who don't see the likelihood in making a living by doing what others do for fun. I'm off to start planning my NBA career, since I now bwliwve in myself.
The One And Only... 51 comments
· 9 years ago
A quote from Kurt Cobain...did you ever read the stuff he wrote about ####ing babies? Search his personal journal online and see what sick thoughts he put on paper.
Said the McDonalds employee 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Sorry that dual major in Gender Studies and Modern Dance didn't pay off for ya'.
Stay in school 16 comments
It's very sad how true this is. 31 comments
· 9 years ago
It's because the most important thing women bring to a relationship is how pretty they are, just like what a man brings is how much money he makes (if you want to be stereotypical and shallow both ways).
Remember, don't confuse those 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Did you ever notice there are all kinds of college scholarships that are only for women, but not the opposite? In the name of "equality"of course.
He then went on to become Grand Duke of FunSubstance 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Maybe "Obama" means something in their language, and they crack up every time the news is on (prolly the radio, since it's Zimbabwe).
"Dude, you almost stepped in that Obama."
"I licked a poisonous frog, and got all Obama'ed up."
"Dude, you almost stepped in that Obama."
"I licked a poisonous frog, and got all Obama'ed up."
Consider what you're saying 14 comments
· 9 years ago
1. If you look weird in some expressions, it doesn't really matter. File that under "what makes you 'you'" rather than "this makes you hideous and noone could like you because of it."
2. You are way more aware of your oddities than others are.
3. I don't think it's possible to look ugly when you're honestly happy.
I'm a dad, have been around, have observed a lot lof mistakes and made plenty of my own, and am telling you to believe me on this.
2. You are way more aware of your oddities than others are.
3. I don't think it's possible to look ugly when you're honestly happy.
I'm a dad, have been around, have observed a lot lof mistakes and made plenty of my own, and am telling you to believe me on this.
People who shouldn't be alive 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Some of those have to be jokes (the first two and the electrical outlet in the pool).
The last one, the guy probably thought someone wanted to take his picture because he was so cool. What a moran.
The last one, the guy probably thought someone wanted to take his picture because he was so cool. What a moran.
Friendly reminder of how awesome iceland is 7 comments
· 9 years ago
What...EVERY seat was bought by pro-gay people? No pro-preacher people got tickets? The arena was *empty*? Sounds like one of those stories where someone says "what if xyz happened," and the next thing you know it's presented as something that did occur. That seems doubly likely in that at first people "bought" tickets, and then when that would put money in the preacher's pocket, the story changes (according to the comments).
Anti-muslims 28 comments
· 9 years ago
More like that's how the one or two Muslims feel at the actions of the vast majority.
Beng beng shots fired 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Most of the weight-related insults, comments and snarkiness come from other women/girls.
Best line any guy can say 16 comments
· 9 years ago
This implies it's more important for her to win the argument than be correct. So, it's better to feel happy about the answer than to have the right one. And no feminists have weighed in to point out the sexism? How this implies that women are stupid, fragile, and short-sighted? (Even if true.)
-No dear, topping off the transmission with engine oil is wrong
-Don't make me feel bad about this decision...
-I don't think you should let your friend invest all you money in leveraged commodity futures just because she is trying to start an investing business
-You don't understand about Friendship!
-No dear, topping off the transmission with engine oil is wrong
-Don't make me feel bad about this decision...
-I don't think you should let your friend invest all you money in leveraged commodity futures just because she is trying to start an investing business
-You don't understand about Friendship!
Thank you Martin Luther King J.R 14 comments
· 9 years ago
As big as MLK's contribution and influence were, the fact that someone thinks he's responsible for them being able to play together shows that he's been put on an unrealistic pedestal.
Retard strength ftw 24 comments
The war on woman 28 comments
· 9 years ago
I notice that nobody seems to realize you can buy your own condoms, like your own food, clothes, or fuel for your car.
Rekt 22 comments
Yet another reason to love Emma 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Hard to imagine her bitching about "when are we gonna use that in real life" or "my teacher is so lame"like so many of the high school and middle school children here.
Feminist activists in Belgium threw french fries and mayonnaise on the Belgian Prime 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Followed the link...the women don't like the economic "austerity." Noone does, but you can't spend money you don't have without consequences later...sounds like the PM wants to avoid throwing beaucoup debt onto future generations. So, a better headline would be "Female @$$#0les Throw Food On PM using Feminism as an Excuse."