Who would win? (I vote silver flash) 35 comments
· 9 years ago
I think that Quicksilver should be in there.
Marathons 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I think that should be packs of oreos, not oreos.
26.2 oreos isn't that many...
26.2 oreos isn't that many...
FYI, the name of the language is "Ook!" 8 comments
· 9 years ago
It makes about as much sense as many other programming languages do, to non-programmers.
My life be like 5 comments
So we bought a whole cow today, apparently. Here is what 800lb of packaged beef looks like 24 comments
Isis is not Islam 94 comments
· 9 years ago
I think that depends on how you define Christians, and Muslims.
In my opinion if you don't at least attempt to follow at least the majority of rules set down for you in the religious book that you have as your authority, then you are not [insert religion].
In my opinion if you don't at least attempt to follow at least the majority of rules set down for you in the religious book that you have as your authority, then you are not [insert religion].
You know 5 comments
· 9 years ago
What if I hadn't lost that $5 bill when I was 6...
What if I hadn't bought a thing of icecream last week...
What if I hadn't bought a thing of icecream last week...
Wait what Siri? 8 comments
Dammit, Indiana!! 45 comments
· 9 years ago
While discrimination is bad, Laws won't stop it from happening. And they make it worse often.
Dammit, Indiana!! 45 comments
· 9 years ago
I think that the law also allowed gay(or insert other term that they use to describe themselves) people to discriminate against other people.
I personally see nothing wrong with the law, as long as it is treated equally by all parties involved.
I personally see nothing wrong with the law, as long as it is treated equally by all parties involved.
· 9 years ago
The problem with space day is there are major security issues for paranoid people.
That moment you realize a helmet REALLY saved your life 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I know that wearing a helmet (on a bicycle) has saved me from either really serious head injuries, or possibly death. Always wear your helmet even if it's only a bike/moped/dirtbike etc..
Tiger 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I would never be able to line up my hands right, even if the artwork was done correctly.
I would never be able to line up my hands right, even if the artwork was done correctly.
Wait a minute... 4 comments
U.S. Took their first ISIS prisoner (17th March) 39 comments
· 9 years ago
Must be on video.
They should dump pigs blood on him, then shoot him with a hollow point bullet with the hollow point filled with lard.
They should dump pigs blood on him, then shoot him with a hollow point bullet with the hollow point filled with lard.
Very rare though 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I am one of them :(
Also Tomato, and Peppers, and eggplant are in the same family(nightshade). At least I'm allergic to eggplant, yuck
Also Tomato, and Peppers, and eggplant are in the same family(nightshade). At least I'm allergic to eggplant, yuck
How. Howwwwwww. 19 comments
· 10 years ago
And that people, is why HE IS a professional Baseball player, and YOU AREN'T.
I wish I had reflexes like that :(
I wish I had reflexes like that :(
2pacs view on churches 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Many churches struggle to make ends meet.
most churches are not excessively fancy.
most churches are not excessively fancy.
Don't worry about your size 13 comments
What came first? 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Oranges aren't really all that orange when they get them off of the tree, they more of a greenish colour.
Home alone 23 comments
What the hell happened to music? 67 comments
· 10 years ago
Queen was/is one of the best bands ever. Freddie Mercury rocks.
^these are facts
^these are facts
my fear for the future 5 comments
Well that escalated quickly 8 comments
It'll Go To Your Permanent Record 5 comments
Amen 71 comments
· 10 years ago
Sorry, but people can mostly control their weight, and a lot of their appearance.
I think the second one is the better deterrent. 43 comments
· 10 years ago
The problem with weapons bans is that only law abiding people will follow it anyway.
Do they really think that someone who would be attempting to harm children would care about a law that says they can't have a gun/knife. At least if you don't ban the weapons, then someone can have an appropriate weapon to defend themselves or their children/friends.
Do they really think that someone who would be attempting to harm children would care about a law that says they can't have a gun/knife. At least if you don't ban the weapons, then someone can have an appropriate weapon to defend themselves or their children/friends.
Moreover height is something we cannot change but we have full control 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Pretty sure guys can take HGH when they're younger...
But no drugs needed to lose weight.
But no drugs needed to lose weight.