
That's the reason why I love Emma 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
but to be fair, very few people are, Stark. We think discussing changes that need to be made over the internet counts as making the world a better place', very few people like Emma actually do something. So overall, we're all closer to Miley on spectrum.
Making everything worst 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
....they tried to vacuum up dog shit...dear god...
We need justice 35 comments
guest · 10 years ago
apparently one officer started petting the dog then the other started freaking out. How can you watch a colleague petting a calm animal and then freak out?! Also, apparently he was shouting at the dog to 'get inside' – it's a dog, does he really think it's going to obey or even UNDERSTAND somebody screaming at it whom it doesn't know?! All services that go into contact with animals should have training- at least on how to act calm in any situation! There was nothing in this scenario that should have provoked that panic- the dog didn't bark when it got outside, it was petted by a fellow officer who was obviously calm, and yet the other guy flips out and shoots?! Utterly disgusting.
We need justice 35 comments
guest · 10 years ago
service dog or not- it's somebody's pet in which they have no evidence was a dangerous animal- chances of it being a fraud is about 1 out of 10.