We tried to tow you and your car but we just couldn't 20 comments
· 9 years ago
There is a story behind this and she actually was entitled to park there, the note-writer was in the wrong here. Some Google should bring it up.
Stay with them forever. 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Anyone bothered by the shape of that d? .......... Nevermind I know, I'll let myself out...
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine 32 comments
Feminist activists in Belgium threw french fries and mayonnaise on the Belgian Prime 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Being Belgian, I can tell you the man is scared of his own shadow and has no power whatsoever. Puppet to nationalist fascist idiots.
Jeremy Clarkson's daughter tweeted this 10 comments
Girls text language. Is it true? 20 comments
· 10 years ago
I use 'I guess' to give the other party - mostly my husband - the chance to change what he said to what I want/need him to say...
R.I.P. Nelson Mandela. 14 comments
...And thats how I met your mother 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Ani Dewani was shot in South Africa, her husband is suspected of setting this up. I think it should be taken down.