Scars on your arms 30 comments
· 8 years ago
Cool story bro
Scars on your arms 30 comments
Only in South Africa 4 comments
· 9 years ago
its called a bunny because the bread is filled with curry, and to ease the taste a banana is cut in half and both pieces are placed on top of the bread thus making it look like a bunny....
The iPad was delivered by Ace Ventura 2 comments
Friendships never die 9 comments
So deep 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Anyone that has kids will know... talking and talking and talking will only get you so far, for a kid to grasp the gravity of their fu*kup you need to raise your voice and sometimes lift your hand.
What makes a good parent is the way you react afterwards, you need to comfort them and explain the situation.
Fu*kup and you need to pay the price, mom and dad is there to show you the error of your ways!
Anyone that has kids will know... talking and talking and talking will only get you so far, for a kid to grasp the gravity of their fu*kup you need to raise your voice and sometimes lift your hand.
What makes a good parent is the way you react afterwards, you need to comfort them and explain the situation.
Fu*kup and you need to pay the price, mom and dad is there to show you the error of your ways!
How not to behave in 15 countries 6 comments
· 9 years ago
In South-Africa, watch out for minibus taxis, highways are death traps, dont be out alone in public after dark, never count money in public and eat your biltong in the toilet!
I've solved how to get all the bags at once! 11 comments
PTSD 31 comments
· 9 years ago
argh fuck man... was she in Afghanistan for the first time and hear the bombs and thought hey thats fireworks?
Too late, I'm out 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Kanye is not a very liked person on the internet, now this chick showing the world he wont help a woman that fell makes it a tad more worse for him!
How to defend yourself from a choke 7 comments
Kanye getting the job done 23 comments
Some people look way into this stuff 10 comments
Have you heard his story? 29 comments
Epic NPH is Epic 9 comments
okay 19 comments
DIY Humans of New York 6 comments
Former bully asked her out, this is how she reacted 22 comments
· 10 years ago
I think louisa needs to thank the bully for opening her eyes and getting help... damn she was a manbeast!
Even inmates in norway live better than me 21 comments
It's dangerous in prison 63 comments
Veteran calls out a poser. 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Its just a costume, get over it... how would you have felt if he wore a Nazi uniform?
Real hero spotted in Syria 20 comments
Well that didn't go as planned. 14 comments
As someone who used to work in customer service, I try to do this whenever I can 7 comments
· 10 years ago
most of the time the supervisors thinks the compliment is directed at them, for doing a good job of managing the staff