
You are doing it right. It is 2015, not 1915 103 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Great for you but what about other countries? What about countries where woman aren't allowed to drive a car or even laugh in public? What about the difference in payment which still excists? What about the fact that a lot of companies choose a man over a woman with the same qualifications just for the reason that she might have children later and won't be able to work for some time? Just because you live in a town or a country where it's your opinion that you don't need feminism, doesn't mean the world doesn't need feminism. Feminists don't hate men. They hate inequality and the social structures which lead to inequality. I hate inequality but that goes both ways - not just towards women but towards men too. Like the prejudices against male kindergarten teachers. A lot of parents feel their kids aren't safe with male teachers because they could abuse them. That's unfair as well.