And so should you 4 comments
· 9 years ago
It was then that Romanov realized ramping a tank was a bad idea.
Different swords 42 comments
My life 5 comments
· 9 years ago
My parents don't like me gaming because, "That's a place where you can't bring Jesus to people." They wanted me to build a church in Minecraft, but they got upset when they noticed there were no people to save.
The blackest material on earth 34 comments
Basic bathroom rules 38 comments
Who doesn't 11 comments
He got a D 12 comments
I don't have to be careful I got a gun 10 comments
Anyone else used to draw stick wars as a child? 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Me and my friends would draw a stage, figure out equipment, and have a battle that raged for days, until we started spamming explosives.
Bare bears bear bare bears barely. 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Police police police police police police police police police police police police police.
How sharks find love 4 comments
Eeeehm... Nope? 8 comments
Everytime 8 comments
· 9 years ago
That little spot is where the top part of the spring gets turned, but the bottom part doesn't. So, just grab the two parts and turn them, instead of the tedious process of working the spot out of the spring.
And sell tickets to help fund the prison systems 7 comments
· 10 years ago
They should slip a cyanide pill into the food and wait for someone to drop dead. Make it small enough to not be able to find it. This will give the prisoners something to think about on death row. :)
These were my favorite 11 comments
First Post! 190 comments
Bleach reference 8 comments
· 10 years ago
What if her zampakuto turned into a pile of aspartame when she released her bankai?
Organ donation ad 5 comments
Real badass 24 comments
The thing about sales 14 comments
I woke up to this in my email - thanks for the middle of the week motivation 1 comments
· 10 years ago
Unfortunately, I had to back off a bit before she was smothered by "Greatness".
Somepeople don't respect the audience or the art 34 comments
· 10 years ago
AIDS handicaps your body's defensive system by killing white blood cells, but it does not attack any vital organs directly, so it doesn't kill. It does, however, let other diseases kill you after they have killed off most of the defensive cells in your blood.
The look of disgust. 4 comments
Eating healthy 11 comments
That You Know Of 6 comments
Anybody have uncommon names out there? 206 comments
· 10 years ago
My name is Erick. Around half of the time my name is misspelled.
Part of me dies when it is misspelled by family.
Part of me dies when it is misspelled by family.
Beware the king who hides in the night, and stalks it's prey. 9 comments
· 10 years ago
This was a legit burger king commercial. The message was that you should wake up with the King.