Too soon? 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Personally I don't think Bruce is a hero. The only reason they make him, or her, to be is because they were famous... again, that's my personal belief
Catching a rhino poacher 44 comments
Penn Jillette is not a Lannister 14 comments
· 9 years ago
What's the link to fun substance? It seems I got stuck on political/personalviews/notfun/substance
Guys be like 11 comments
· 9 years ago
You are usually attracted to someone because of their looks, and once you get to know them ypu love them for their personality
Don't you think you can trick The Batman 6 comments
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
· 10 years ago
I hope you guys know that using cannabis oil and using pot are two different things... You don't smoke the oil, you just eat a tiny amount. THe oil isn't bad for you..
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm just saying they literally just generalized the whole of all who oppose homosexuality. And just being you're opposed to homosexuality does't mean you're afraid of them or a "homophobe"... I don't care if your gay, straight, white, or black. Just enjoy your life without interfering in mine. I think in the end, everybody is at fault...
As a concerned Hungarian 61 comments
· 10 years ago
Most likely the U.S.. It has far more military funding and its military technology and advanced are far beyond the majority of other nations. Not only that, but there are far more active military U.S. soldiers then there are Russians. Both have their merits but most wars with the U.S. are lopsided victory.
People have rights 26 comments
There's no way this was an accident 9 comments
Samuel L Jackson everybody 9 comments
b*tches b like im better than that 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Nobody every said there is anything wrong with it. Where did you get that idea from?
Why doesn't the media show this? 59 comments
· 10 years ago
White privilege at its finest? What about white people protesting peacefully while the so called "oppressed race" goes around looting stores, burning cars, throwing things, causing damage, committing arson, and causing havoc? There is no "oppressed race".
Why doesn't the media show this? 59 comments
"Why was Hitler hit with a baseball ?" 11 comments
I'll always remember Obama like this 7 comments