
Canada! 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
A lot of Canadians come down from the border to the Unites States for medical help because of their amazing health care. I've talked to a few and they say that the Unites States is doing it right. Some of them would've had to wait 2 months to get seen. That's definitely better than here in the Unites States where your seen immediately.
I survived college 17 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Something to be proud of!
Because 'murica thats why 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I'm fine with Hispanics coming to America legally, but when they come illegally they haven't had background checks, they usually participate in the reieving end of our welfare, they take all the jobs that teenagers used to do, and they jumping in front of all the people waiting here to come here legally. There no reason for a Hispanic criminal to be able to jump the border and cut in front of the well qualified Hispanic couple that has been trying to get across for ten years. So no, America doesn't hate immigrants, all the talk of them is because we are trying to develop a better policy towards illegals. Next time you make a meme, don't critize things you don't know about.
Drop that! 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
So by having an opinion about the other guy's opinion he has an opinion.
Why not just go to Somalia 1 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Do you love taxes? Love the government? Love regulations? And hate guns? It's better in communist China!