
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You'll make a great cop.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
During WWII, in the four prison camps my grandfather was relocated to, your people were such cowards that they turned in everyone they could to the Nazis, lies were common on your part, all so they wouldn't get picked on by soldiers: Russian, American, British, Australian POWs all suffered horror after horror . It is no wonder that you think there is a difference between the individual and the masses. What do you do when the police are the anarchist murderers? YOU bend over and take whatever you have to so you don't get scared or picked on. You enjoy your cowardice for the rest of your miserable inebriated life. Have you not read anything we've been saying here, that the police are live action death squads now who murder especially the compliant? This has nothing to do with traffic stops. It involves false accusation of the compliant. You're a tick on America's ass. Go away.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Again, watch "The House I Live In", a 2012 documentary about the inner workings of America's rapidly changing police force.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Oooh be careful. I do not identify with sovereign citizens. They harbor terrorists. I still have a social security number and I live in a neighborhood. I sincerely hope that you do not discount people who criticize the sovereign government, as if any who do not bow deserve to be annihilated. But then again, all human element is lost with text only communication, so I couldn't possibly determine your intent at this point. UGH.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You're my hero today, madam
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I mean really cia1are you telling me that you cannot possibly comprehend unprovoked abuse at the hands of the police because it has never happened to you? Maybe when you graduate jr high, you'll get enough experience to know that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that those who wield authority over others do actually abuse many people in their lifetimes. Looks like you've been taught to sneer at everyone who isn't you. Again, enjoy your overlords. Because if you can believe only good about those who strut through society like a peacock, then they are your gods. And they will accept no less from you but that you acknowledge them above all others.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
cia, you should watch the news more. Like I said before, there are those who think of the police and infallible gods...gods nowadays chosen for their belligerence and predictable intelligence. And yes, I have been beaten by cops for simply refusing to roll down the window. Twice in the last 20 years. Mercilessly once. Enjoy your new overlords, you blind socialized sheep. I hope they pat your head when you bow to their image in blind stupidity.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It's douchy if you assume the police are beautiful, incomprehensible angel-gods who can do no wrong and cannot comprehend betrayal or selfish ambition. Otherwise it's the smartest thing you can do nowadays.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*responds* "No thank you, officer. Under the privileges and immunities clause of our Constitution, every American citizen has the right to freedom of movement, and to travel unmolested to their destination. Am I being detained? No? Am I free to go? I am not? Am I being detained? No? Then I am free to go." Search you tube for
Top DHS checkpoint FAILS
when you see it...
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
...self-replicating phenomenon. It is a good documentary that interviews virtually no one but police and judges, and these express grave and genuine worry over the turn our nation has taken where law enforcement is concerned.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That isn't really accurate. It is a good ideal, and you are right; we must obey the law if we wish to remain at peace in society. Of course it always applies in a good or a corrupt society. But we live in a corrupt society now. So what I have to say certainly doesn't negate your admonishment. But the caveat to this is that friends I have on the Atlanta police force have told me in the last twelve months that they have been ordered to escalate any and all interaction they have with the public in order to create more opportunities for arrests. They tell me how much they hate it, but then on the other hand they're terrified to leave the police force for fear of retribution. What America is not largely aware of is that the police are transitioning from servants of America into its shepherds. In fact, I would encourage you to watch "The House I Live In", a 2012 documentary about the inner workings of America's rapidly changing police force, and how it feeds the prison systems as a
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Little bit. But I wouldn't say it if I hadn't been through it.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Don't move to Florida and expect to win against the police there. They cannot get into trouble, they can lie as well as Satan and with no more conscience than the devil either. Just a fair warning.
Don't be a d*ck, but know your rights 41 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This is being enacted in Florida, where you can still refuse to be searched. But also in Florida, if you pull this, you run a very good risk of having the officers (there will likely be a dozen) break your window, drag you bodily from the car, and beat you almost to death. You have to live there to understand. Police in Florida do not answer to anyone. Rapists get fired. Murderers get a medal. Look up police brutality Florida. What you read will make you think the world is coming to an end. Seems Florida is one of the worst places in the country to live where the police are concerned. Maybe Chicago is worse. New York City police don't hold a candle to the brutality down there. Not to say all the police in that state are bad, but when you realize that the Florida police regularly utilize Brighthouse cable guys to monitor inside homes without a warrant, as in they will come in your home and set up cameras without a warrant JUST BECAUSE.
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I'm just being hard on you, man. Sorry. Intead of saying "you" I should've said "we tend to". Sort of got away from myself there
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You're my hero today
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Cuddlebut at the scuttlebut makes for a happy squid
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
believing your own lies and getting lost in your own smoke and mirrors
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It's not the time because right now we all have to drop everything we're doing to cry over a fake sick picture of a once perfectly healthy dead rabbit who, despite even a very beautiful post mortem physique, you'd rather believe a lie because it lets your imagination run wild with unrequited blind rage as in your mind you demonize imaginary people that commit imaginary acts with imaginary evil motives, when most people worldwide don't even think in the same universe you do, and all we do is get up, go to work, eat, check our facebook, and go to sleep at night. You're getting your facts from your feelings, and it needs to be the other way around. If you want to protect the environment, you must use fact to support your cause, and not say that a lie is okay because it's happening just like that elsewhere, but you can't produce real examples of your cause. I wouldn't want a surgeon operating on me with that attitude. We must protect the environment, but you're never going to get it done
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Then, my friend, the meaning isn't real if you have to invent a visual because there are none. Sounds like PETA's provocateur bilge again.
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Too many factors to be able to make that kind of a broad statement.
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Really, though, before industrialization, nature was still making life intolerable for sll the creatures on earth, including Man. If we weren't doing it, nature still would be. In fact, several coal mine dinosaur mummies I have read about, duckbills, had an astounding occurrence of malignant spinal tumors. Was it dietary carcinogens? Was there a high exposure to surface deposits from radioactive materials? Basically I just don't buy this bunnyhugger extremism. We ought to protect nature, it's all we have at the end of the day. But nature is brutal. Animals aren't cute. Small ones can ruin your life. Have some balance.
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I'm stopping now ;}
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That wasn't an insult. Sure came out that way.
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Alxx you have an ideal in mind with no corporeal manifestation, so you'll grab what you can, and when even that is removed from you, you still hold the ideal to be true.
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Uhhmm, just a thought really, in general not to anyone here specifically, but like I'm not real certain that those cigs were in the rabbit to begin with. I mean the bunny is like all frozen, but the cigs are just sitting there, kinda loose and free. Not encased in frozen bodily fluids. Thoughts anyboddy? I mean I skinned alot of animals in my day, and this one is missing its heart, lungs, stomach. The cigs ought to be pretty compressed with other vegetative foods. I call hoax.
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I mean I skinned alot of animals in my day, and this one is missing its heart, lungs, stomach. The cigs ought to be pretty compressed with other vegetative foods. I call hoax.
Things are about to get really sad, but this is important. 55 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Uhhmm, just a thought really, in general not to anyone gere specifically, but like I'm not real certain that those cigs were in the rabbit to begin with. I mean the bunny is like all frozen, but the cigs are just sitting there, kinda loose and free. Not encased in frozen bodily fluids. Thoughts anyboddy?
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
"Health reserves" is quite a sketchy concept, comprised of nonone single factor.
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Well with that phenomenal reasoning, you'll make a great cop. Tell me, friend, did you learn your detective skills from a tarot manual, or from the police themselves? I hear in Florida the cops use psychics to solve murder cases, so since you're so sure of yourself, perhaps you can find out who raped my little brother. Maybe when you and everyone else on this post are done tossing the obese segment of society away, you can go use your skill in Ferguson or Boston. But, in the meantime, you're still wrong, stiffy. Have a pleasant evening.
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
like horribly fat people?
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
But you don't mind people being forced to run upstairs until how they look makes you happy. Maybe you can reblog in thirty times.
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
or girl
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Your first comment was just as insensitive as mine, buddy. After everything I wrote there, all you give is "I...I can't even...what?" Real sensitive guy you are.
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
When you're old and on a cane, you'll get no better treatment, dick spit
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Really, dingus? Read the damn comments. "forced fitness"?? Do you really want that for yourself in your fifties? "Tubby's going down"? "Poor life choices"? "Fire drill twice a day will fix him"? You're beyond hope, like the rest of this murderous society.
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
So the fact is that when someone is fifty, sixty pounds overweight, it's probably their fault. But a massive person who can barely walk has something wrong with their endocrine system and they desperately need medical treatment. I spent most of my life in despair about my weight, and now I am thin consistently only after the proper (and extensive) medical treatment. All I'd like to say is fuck you very much for driving fat people to near-suicide because you'd rather filter everything you see through whether or not your genitals are pleased, instead of doing the scientific research to discover the chronic problems produced by industrialized society. You goddam Nazi. You sound like Hitler talking about the Jews. Kill all the fat people. Fuck you.
Every step you take 44 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You know, society today loathes anyone who doesn't look like a porn star. I am thin now, but the first three-fourths of my life I struggled with being horribly fat. The only way I could stay thin was to starve, sometimes for a month at a time. Turns out I had a pituitary tumor giving me Cushing's Syndrome, which causes the body to overproduce cortisol in vast amounts. This makes your body eat itself and turn it into fat. A pituitary adenoma also will give you man-boobs (gynecomastia). So when the pituitary tumor got removed, I still had gynecomastia overproducing estrogen in my male body. Also turns out that 1 in 5 people in this country have a pituitary adenoma. 1 in 5 people in this country are morbidly obese. Beyond this, I also found out at the same time that I am a celiac, so my body was already not getting near enough nutrition no matter how much I ate. This contributes to obesity as well, because gluten is like snake poison in the gut. (continued)