
Make your own! 71 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Some girl was sitting there, staring at my fallen clock.
"Yea...I know right..." I scoff, looking at her bright red hair as she looks up at me, her clock in her hands...
"Hi..." She says, face a bright shade of red. I stand wide eyed looking at her. I sigh and smile.
She smiles back.
Make your own! 71 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Today was the day... 10 minutes were all that remained on my clock. I rushed through the subway, 'what if she is going to be on my train?' I ask myself. I pay my fare and get to the platform...nothing. I look down at my clock; 4 minutes left. I hear it, the train, it's here, pulling up coming to a stop. It's crunch time... less than a minute left. 'What if she's not on the train but I decide to wait for the next one?!' Oh no, my thoughts are deceiving me, a flurry of people hop off the train, I panic and rush onboard before the doors close, I bump into someone, I have no time to help them, my time is up. The doors close as I peer outside. The cute blonde fumbling to pick up her book from the platform, she looks up...Our eyes meet. Shit. The train starts to move as my clock lays at my feet, I watch her shrink away in the distance. I look at my feet, at the clock... 'i can't believe this...' my inner monologue proclaims. I glance to my right. ...(to be continued)