
Make your own! 71 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I looked at his wrist and his watch was gone.
He said, now lined not with stress, but with happiness: "I love you. You are the sweetest, nicest, person I know. My watch fell off when I first bumped into you, but since yours didn't, I only wanted to stay friends. I that's why I wanted to stay next to you all the time. Just to see if I really was your Soul Mate."
I turned red and felt as if I was getting heated by a microwave. I didn't know how to react. He read my body language and just grabbed me and kissed me. Everyone in the classroom was either laughing, putting this on Facebook, or gaping and pointing. We ignored them as we whispered things to each other.
Make your own! 71 comments
guest · 9 years ago
A book slammed on my table.
"Tell me. Everything."
My best friend, pressed with anger and stressful slammed my book that said "How to show love!" on the table.
"I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't even-"
He grabbed the book and turned to the page in the section of "How to tell if you're gay and find other gays." and had it bookmarked.
"You see this!? This is YOUR book mark. You left it at my house last time you visited. What is it that you want to tell me?"
I looked at him. I always couldn't keep eye contact when confessing, so I looked at my watch. 1m 10sec. Frick. How am I gonna meet Mr/Ms. Soul Mate?
" I' like......I want to...uh...." I stumbled. 20sec left.
"I'm....bisexual....and y-"
He grabbed me and, with vigor, he kissed me. I pushed him away, but I felt...lighter. I grabbed my wrist. Wet from sweating. It was gone. My watch, with a slight glimmer, said "You have met your Soul Mate." in a revolving message.
[tbc] -Sero
Proposal Instructions 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*readies ring*
*looks at positions*
It's almost time.....